Hmh, well, that’s great but what about direct flights to Luton?
Hmh, well, that’s great but what about direct flights to Luton?
You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons
Yup. I was in Santa Fe ;)
New Mexico! Represent! Also, nice work!
that’s my current plan as well,
http://www.hwsensors.com/ is a great free alternative, been using it for awhile and updates are frequent
Please fix sentences like: “It’s simply, but it’s a handy tool for laptop users.” and “It’s a pretty pricey at $9.99, “, thanks!
My lap already has a way of telling me when my MBP is running hot.
+1 On the potato.
So... this technology renders the vehicle safe to drive behind Volkswagens?
Well if it’s a Vue with the later V6 its got a Honda driveline and.... waitthatsnotbetter
Exactly how speed limits used to be set.....
It typically does not matter to me, nor, obviously, most around me on the interstate, what the speed limit is, unless there is a cop around. If the limit was upped ten or twenty mph, the only difference in my driving would be that I would not slow down when I saw a cop.....
People in general know what’s a safe speed to drive. That’s how speed limits used to be set - traffic engineers would watch how fast people drove on a road, then set the speed to ca. the 95th percentile of the speeds they observed.
Yes - he uses his eyes!! Do you have a “source” indicating he’s wrong?