Life In Spandex

What are the odds Littlefinger has a bit of Braavosi training/knowledge of what Arya is? The founder of his house was from Braavos...

She wants to appeal to Trump supporters

Seriously. Who pissed in these commenter’s coffee this morning? JFC.

Guess I’ll have to find somewhere else to spend my $30k

Head to toe, this is PHENOMENAL. That color looks so lovely on her.

or even just...look like he isn’t heading to happy hour in a college town?

ugh for real. Just chop her dress off at the knee and add a jacket and it’s literally what she wears to every fashion show.

I agree. Anna’s outfit is a total snoozefest.

Love Pharell but WTF dude, we KNOW you know how to dress...

He really needs to hop off Jackson’s dick. I don’t understand why he loves drawing comparisons between himself and that psycho. Oh, wait....

Thanks for the advice! This definitely makes me feel less nervous about trying it out.

ooh thank you! I’ll try this if I end upgetting it


Along those lines, isn’t this like, EVERY dystopian novel? WTF is this dude’s issue?

How fucking full of yourself do you have to be to think that your art is SOOOO GREAT that you must share it with the world in a NATIONAL PARK?!

Personally, I’m interested in the mental gymnastics that must have been done to produce last week’s issue:

We weren’t allowed to play hip hop or rap music at my (rural, tiny) school dances, then my senior year the dress code was “black at white” and they were only going to play swing music (which 17 year olds TOTALLY LOVE).

I’m with you. These comments are disgusting

I feel dumb and google is failing me. What is “hotepish”?