Rusty Shackleford

We’ll never get the Wu-Tang Bill Murray heist we all expected.

The worst part is that much of what Shirkeli did remains perfectly legal. Congress collectively clutched its pearl necklace, pointed an accusing finger at the villain of the day, and then proceeded to do... abso... fucking... lutely... nothing.


Eh, they’re different enough. Rick is seemingly fighting for the freedom of the remaining colonies while Negan is fighting to subjugate them so that he can rule. Sure, they both feel their way is the “right” way, but Negans involved brutally murdering/scarring people for no reason, while Ricks only involves murder to

TV Rick really is the worst.

Doesn’t it feel a little late, though? Haven’t they had eons of time to destroy the evidence?

etting a majority of whites to accept he’s a racist would require getting some of them to cop to the fact that they voted for a racist.

“...nearly half of whites”

You can’t tell Scalise that his idea would be “a whole new ball game.” He was fucking shot at a ball game.

Also, from the clip, what is happening with her right eyebrow? Someone explain to me, please.

The proof is that no one would lie and say they slept with Trump when they didn’t actually

I don’t know, take Death Note. I actually loved how they changed Misa and gave her some agency. She wasn’t just a tool for Light, she had her own agenda, and it made the Western adaption interesting to watch.

This is my nightmare. That one day I’ll raise kids and as an act of rebellion they’ll become die hard conservatives because it’s “punk rock”.

He’s not taking a side necessarily one way or the other on any specific issue here

They also released a study concluding that if you read this article and then immediately toss out their data to insist that, no, actually you stream new music all the time because you are a very knowledgeable music person, you are missing the point entirely to be insufferable.

Sadly, I think a lot of “normal” people would have no problem with this. People abandon or kill pets that become inconvient without a second thought all the fucking time — they just usually have the good sense not to seek out reporters to pretend they’re the victims of their own acts of animal abuse.

“Who are we to tell Mother Earth what temperature she should be? Are we so arrogant..!”

Side note: is it just me or are the numbers for starred likes not showing up for anyone else? The pages also seem to load slowly as well.

Pruitt is probing to try to find a way to overturn the EPA’s endangerment finding on CO2. He knows that there’s no way to take the angle that CO2 doesn’t cause temperature increases, so he’s gonna try the “but climate change isn’t all bad!” angle. The problem with this angle is the fact that there are quite literally