Rusty Shackleford

The canister came from space. Space is cold. The obvious solution is to run it under some warm water from the tap.

Personally, I find it a bit amusing that a website that occasionally has thoughtful and well-written articles but also frequently has superficial takes on things that would require an uninformed reader to click on three to four links just to follow along with whatever point the author is trying to make would publish

Alternate suggestion if they want to move on quickly: Beth comes into the garage and tells Rick Jerry was playing with his memory-eraser and accidentally erased all his memories, again. Rick sighs and grabs a tube labeled, “Jerry back-up” and plugs it in. Quick montage of previous scenes from the show but with Rick

“From what I can tell Hill wasn’t forcing her to stay in the relationship. Were his “boundaries” excessive? Yes. But that doesn’t amount to abuse. I see no evidence that he was being coercive.”

They were planning on ending it after the next season prior to the cancellation in any event. It got cancelled due to the pandemic, not due to the slow production rate. R&M actually had a two-year gap prior to receiving a renewal for multiple additional seasons (and I’m sure part of that deal was keeping up with a

“Do we want to be a country that forces children or parents to engage in risky medical interventions without informed consent?”

What’s that, Edgar?

Plus, they’re smarter than the average undead.

“Ov course ve use beautiful Ukranian girlz, iz vat Fearless Leader expects, Natasha!”

Let’s just take a moment to pause and reflect on the fact that this is now perfectly serviceable as an insult, and not only a superficial insult, but a deep, cutting insult.

At least if they did that, they’d be in line with the evangelical portion of their base who have basically admitted they voted for Trump not because they thought he was a good person or a good Christian with a good character but solely because he promised to support their pet issues. In a turn of events that would be

True, but given the example, coincidentally enough, in the not too distant future actually is next Sunday AD.

Well, yes, but mostly just penises (and the color of them)...

Sadly, I expect there are probably some regions of the country where there wouldn’t be such outrage, i.e. parts of the country that think the solution is not less guns but more guns (and when it gets worse, double-down, let’s go for even more guns).

I don’t have any doubt they will. The ACLU has repeatedly stood up for some of the lowest of the low just because their right to free speech was being threatened; if they bail on a bunch of high-school kids who are protesting just for the right not to be shot in school, they would, quite literally, cease to exist as

That’s not even the worst case scenario I can imagine; I really wish it were. Imagine for a moment that they actually do meet and talk terms. Given Trump’s public “negotiations” about DACA and about gun control, Trump has established a pattern to spout off and agree with all sorts of positions that he later rejects.

Great list, but with all due respect, you missed one crucial thing Betsy DeVos doesn’t know: What her fucking job is.

In the abstract, “school choice” sounds great and might be slightly better if you could just choose which school in a district you wanted your child to attend, but DeVos and company are advocating for the choice between public schools and taking money out of the tax base used to fund public schools to give to private

I can just see Sanders in a press briefing being called out on this and saying, “Well, I and the president both agree that Lincoln was one of the greatest presidents in our nation’s history, and the president’s administration has more diversity than Lincoln’s, so I’m not sure why you would be suggesting Lincoln wasn’t

This administration is hellbent on ruining everything, even language.