Rusty Shackleford

What’s surprising... wait, that’s not really the word I’m looking for... what’s entirely predictable but utterly despicable is that their concern literally stops at the moment of birth. Before we even get to discussing the state’s failure in providing education and healthcare to children, Mississippi ranks 49th in

“Of course, I never would have voted for him if I knew he was a racist. I would never vote for a racist. I mean, I’m like the least racist... OH SHIT!”

Either they’re fine with it, they don’t care, or they’re deeply in denial about it. Since Trump won the white vote, getting a majority of whites to accept he’s a racist would require getting some of them to cop to the fact that they voted for a racist. If there were any white people who voted for Trump who would

The most charitable interpretation is that her subconscious is crying out for help. It is well documented that captives will try to signal for help subtly in video testimony, and the only time someone’s eyebrow would twitch up like that is to indicate how clearly absurd what they are saying is.

I agree. I think it would be interesting to see a lot more development of the idea of how people would adapt to treating a video game as being “real”, figuring out how to balance (or how to fail to balance) who they feel they are in the real world versus how they play the game, and so on.

If they get this going, it is will almost certainly be in English. Given the comments in the article, where the executive producer claims she wants to make sure at least some of the characters are based in Tokyo, the worst case scenario (for you), is that they have some scenes set in the real world in Japanese with

That’s actually something I would be interested in seeing, something that takes the ideas from the original in a new direction. It would even allow you to throw in lots of easter eggs for original fans while starting with a new story for anyone who hasn’t seen the original. Moreover, people who find the new one first

I never watched the Death Note one just because I’ve usually found the changes usually make things worse, not better, but that does really sound like an improvement.

I’m not ever planning on having kids, but if I did, that would be my nightmare, too. I think the difference is between teaching kids certain moral and ethical “defaults” and teaching them specific rules. I had pretty liberal parents that let me get away with a lot, but as soon as they said I wasn’t allowed to do

“Secretary Sanders, what do the president’s views look like on this issue?”

I know this is a joke, but I’ve seriously had people tell me that it’s “ridiculous” that humans could affect the climate because only God could do that. One person I tried to convince pretty much told me, “It doesn’t matter what we do, and it doesn’t matter if things are getting hotter or colder. The world will be

I think Pruitt is trying to take the same strategy here that Trump has been trying to take about the whole collusion issue which is to double down regardless of inconsistencies: “It’s not getting hotter, but even if it were getting hotter and overwhelming evidence proved that it was, that’s not really a bad thing, I

I’m not seeing any slowing in pages, but I’m also not seeing any numbers for starred likes.

While depressing, I don’t find it all that surprising. If you only care about profit and absolutely nothing else (not your consumers, not your fellow citizens, not your country), you can find ways to make a buck others wouldn’t want or be willing to make.

I don’t know what you’re talking about; I just pulled that list straight out of my underpants...

And don’t forget getting to have a photo shoot where you just have to hold a phone to your ear and can still pretend your being “presidential”...

They did, but the problem was that their cocktail napkin outline for taking over both Congress and the White House just consisted of:

This is a case in which both are correct: New Hampshire is a state that allows trusts, and my point was simply that some other states don’t allow that. I could never find an exact list, but I was bored a few years back when there was a big win claimed by a trust and discovered that through a bit of research.

I highly doubt this was a case of stupidity rather than a case of greed. The contractor probably found they could lower costs (and increase profits) by buying separately and not bothering with any logistical operation to ensure they were delivered together. This is why I am oh so encouraged by Trump’s plan to fund

In addition to that, you really have to check with everyone giving you medical care every single time regarding whether or not they are still in network. I went to my doctor with a problem that required a good deal of lab work and some follow up visits. I didn’t think anything of it because I had just been there a