The Doctor's TARDIS

I can relate when it comes to close-minded people... I'm surrounded by them at work everyday!!!!

no, The Grand Moff is writing Series 10... to include the new companion... Chibnall obviously has a lot of sway in choosing this companion, I hope!

I only remember him from Charmed... damn, I miss that series!

the movie was for the fans, not for the critics!

I just wish they stuck to the Christopher Nolan world of Batman, and would have introduced a Superman character to that universe!

Good idea! I'll do the same!

Sweet! Sounds like a good concept! Now to see how well it was written! Love the DoctorDonna!

The Atraxi! Because, I’m the Doctor!

Great screen name! :-)

isn’t that what The Doctor said? (i.e. Matt Smith)

and in Star Trek they take Sonic Showers...

Luckily Jessica Jones at least pooped... we knew she was texting or chatting with Trish... don’t remeber the exact method of communcations, but I’m certain she was doing a #2.

I’m waiting for Amanda Pays to bring in “Max Headroom” as the AI interface with the DC Flash-verse...

I think “Patrick Bateman” would have devolved into the Joker... it seems natural based on the way that that role was played by Health Ledger.

True, though that’s Steven Moffat’s take on the show. That’s the spin he always says he saw in Doctor Who... hopefully we’ll get back closer to the Sylvester McCoy days and bring back the sci-fi element!

X-Files can still work on that model.. they do need to do more serialized episodes of the X-Files... the problem with US series are they’re just too long... they really should break them down into 1-3 month sub-segments of 5-6 episodes each telling an arc of the central story. Much like the way the British shows have

well, it’s not that bad in the end.... right? The Doctor explains almost everything in a timey-wimey-sciencey way in the end... look at all those ghosts... each time they had a good “explaination.” Be it realistic or not, it is a sci-fi fantasy show with no limits on what it can explore... why put artificial

The fact that he ran Torchwood for the time it was on the BBC means he should reintegrate Captain Jack as well! I think he is really good at ensemble cast stories in the same way that Joss Whedon has show himself to be in the past. Chibnall will do well.

Eve Myles rocks... and I’m also gay! :-)