The Doctor's TARDIS

Precious!!! can’t wait to watch it after work

I could see Christopher Eccelston playing the role? Any other Doctor Who actors that we could see there? I would love to have Michelle Gomez as M

So Madelein Mantock (Macy) from Charmed is pulling a Shannen Doherty? That’s what it seems like.... anyone else agree?

Dark was incredible! I binged the entire show in 2 weeks during this shutdown. It was confusing in parts, but their explanations during the show helped make sense of each part of the series. I loved their homage to “Donnie Darko” in season 1... it definitely had a lot of cross over concepts going.

Exactly! Putting 2 and 2 together! It’s an OPSEC issue for everyone and the mission! 

It may not be secret, but look up the definition of OPSEC and Critically Program Information (CPI)! Don’t be a fool and try to cover for yourself when you could be exposing and compromising OPSEC! 

would suck for the testing company if you had alopecia

The thing is if you or your company works for the US Gov’t then they will test you. Very rarely do you get away without having a test.

Actually most company’s handle this through a third party. Since I’m on Vyvance (new Adderall) and a Benzo for anxiety and sleep the third party just usually needs a photo of my prescription bottle and the pharmacy and M.D. phone number and it’s taken care of. The employer never sees the positive results. Only when I

Zombie Dragons, They are the meeting of Fire and Ice, so most likely water to douse the fire out? LOL.... who knows..... Fire-type Pokemon are weak against Water-type Pokemon.

As a Systems engineer at NAVSEA, ANY Reengineering effort is an ENORMOUS waste of money. They need to move forward with reliable new tech!

Doctor Who

I have a feeling we’ll be seeing Bill go much like we saw Donna go... they already hinted at it when he was going to clear her memory.... and they even played Clara’s theme when it was happening, just to remind us that Clara cleared the Doctor’s head about her.

I’m with you. I think Capaldi’s Doc suffered from the long due farewell of Moffatt. I feel bad for Capaldi. I’m sure with better writing and not having Moff around, he could have been a better Doc.

I liked Class, but I watched it when it first came out (online)... showing it now on BBC America is sort of upsetting. It would have been a good gap filler last year in the USA too....

No, they both focus on the companion as a way to get the audience involved with the show... so we can “relate” to the companion since the Doctor is “so alien”

oh! didn’t realize he wrote Cyberwoman! Love Torchwood, but I still think they should have kept Ianto’s storyline purely with Jack... forget Cyberwoman!

yup, I got the same thoughts when we saw the landing patterns... seemed to me a call back to Remembrance too.

I give this episode a Moffat Rating of B- (he has a different scale as his episodes have gotten worse since the 50th Anniversary)... He REALLY needed to go since that event. I was never a Clara fan either. His episode felt like the same ol’, same ol’.... It’s nice having Pearl Mackie on, she’s funny. Sort of reminds

Go iPhone 7!