The Doctor's TARDIS

It’s the slow Rancor that penetrates the shield. 

I could see Christopher Eccelston playing the role? Any other Doctor Who actors that we could see there? I would love to have Michelle Gomez as M

Dark was incredible! I binged the entire show in 2 weeks during this shutdown. It was confusing in parts, but their explanations during the show helped make sense of each part of the series. I loved their homage to “Donnie Darko” in season 1... it definitely had a lot of cross over concepts going.

George R.R. Martin stated he “doesn’t know” why Game of Thrones is ending

I think the whole idea is that they could identify a certain device was used at a certain sensitive location, and was also used at or near the home of a certain person. The gps data could be linked to a certain residence, which could be linked to a certain individual(s). Then, from that info you might be able to

To be fair this is operating on the principle that the location IS known. I suppose the implied risk is that you could then track that person long term to determine if they traveled to sites that weren’t, but it’s very dependent on someone exercising at those sites as well as just having the device even if they did.

Well no, it can’t imply that it only implied that it determined the locations of people in the military or security services. Whether those places were or were not supposed to be known isn’t established.

Except that the article explains that these apps DID, in fact, reveal locations that weren’t supposed to be known.

So don’t wear your location tracking watch to secret government bases or on secret spy missions?

Does MoviePass work with AMC Stubs? I live in Kansas City and pretty much every theatre is AMC. Obviously it will rack up points for any concessions but does the movie purchase count at all?

Will zombie dragon breathe fire or ice?

Doctor Who

I dunno - in the 80s and 90s, sure. But that attitude is dying out fast, national polls are regularly showing around 60% support for recreational cannabis legalization.

Someone that works for with my father did that. He used Nair head to toe. He was pretty pleased with himself when he showed up at the drug testing truck. The guy getting samples asked to see his hand, so the guy says sure, and holds it out. Very quickly, a fingernail was clipped and the piece put into a vile. Yea...

I was under the assumption that you can only get fired if you LIE during your drug test. Admitting a drug problem usually doesn’t warrant termination.

Bill was pretty much fantastic. Love her nerdy meta-references and I love that she is capable and intelligent without seeming to have a super power. Let’s hope she stays that way.

That’s how it started with Clara though. The Doctor had a crush on a dalek obsessed with making soufflés. That dalek died helping him, and the Pond’s, escape the asylum. Then at Christmas, he ran into her as a human and totally crushed on her again. She died. He was distraught, and like a stalker ex, he kept looking

1) I’m so glad Moffat is done. 2) I still like Nardole. 3) Good intro for Bill Potts, especially her relationships & that photo bit The Doctor did for her. 4) Some fabulous writers for Series 10 (NOT Moffat), I have hope that great episodes are coming!

Bill was the biggest revelation for me! That ‘introduction’ from last year was like nails on a chalkboard for me - Bill was asking so many stupid questions and being very loud even as the Doctor was saying they needed to keep quiet to avoid the attention of the Daleks. She seemed super irritating.

1. What’s in the vault? 2. Who did the Doctor promise not to go skipping around the universe to and why? 3. Finally! A concrete refrence to the Doctor’s granddaughter. 4. “Shall I repel her?”