
You could probably throw The Hound in that list too.

This episode housed both the best and the worst of this show. The first half showcased what it still does brilliantly...character moments. The Hound/Brienne, Cersei/Tyrion, Theon/Jon...this is why I still watch this show even when the plot is a total trainwreck. Because when it gets this character stuff right, it’s be

Hey, I’m fine with the show having a plan. It was good for B5, until they got that extra season and filled it with big hair and weak story.

In the most recent episode, when the Suicide Squad is heading beyond the wall, I instantly transformed into my mother and said, “Oh, you better not be going out there without hats on!” Wisconsin accent and all.

just wait. it gets worse.

Noooo. An everything bagel with cream cheese (Kite Hill chive, for me), sliced tomato, and salt & pepper is amazing. With coffee it’s a perfect breakfast.

I can’t stand everything bagels but herb and scallion cream cheese on a plain sesame is heaven!

That’s so funny; I’m just the opposite. My dream lunch is tuna salad on an everything bagel!

Ha, my newly-16-year-old who got her license 2 weeks ago and absconded with my car immediately (I get it like 20 minutes per day, for urgent errands...) doesn’t even like to hold babies. She puts them and their small seemingly-easily-breakable bones in the same category as chihuahuas, birds hamsters, rabbits & other

Am I out of touch for not knowing who these very attractive folks are?

John Mulaney has a bit in one of his standup specials where he says that he grew up before children were special, and I know what he means. I was often allowed to just sort of do as I pleased, and those days are over. However, I think we now live in a time in which only one’s own children have any value. Other

“Don’t have kids” is the ultimate packing hack.

A good article but, as appointed already, missing a few key answers.

In the middle of the way between “Going on the attack” and “Educate the masses”:
- It’s not your business. Plus, it’s a rude question to ask, you should stop asking people that.
- Not everyone can or want to have children. Why do you assume I can or

I’m always griping to my husband about how I don’t understand why kids have a totally different menu than what is offered for adults. What cook said isn’t really wrong, though. Parents (at least where I live) really DO want the garbage that is typically found on the kids menu. Because that’s the kind of food

If you think growing a beard makes you “manly”, that’s just sad.

We are islands to each other. Alien worlds, catching dim glimpses of one another across the chasm.

Once a kid learns “Why?” sometimes “Because I said so” is the only option that doesn’t send you spiraling into a 90-minute philosophical discussion. Otherwise you started by asking them to be quiet, and ended by explaining the physics behind decibel measurement.

Proselytizing is telling other people that their beliefs aren’t good, because they should be following yours. It’s as annoying when it’s about religion as when it’s about Crossfit, or veganism.