
Do you REALLY want a kid, or do you want a kid because your partner/their parents/your parents want you to want a kid?

After reading this post and some of the comments, I left with the impression that many people are barely acquainted with their children’s other parent.

Actually, I wish I had. She gave up the pill when breastfeeding, and I had always assumed once that stopped (and she breastfed for about 4 years each kid) she would start using it again. Now I’m stuck with condoms or getting snipped.


I have 2 kids, with my ex-husband. My 2nd husband and I have been together for 7 years, and we do not have any children together. He only has my kids. (So, step-kids) My kids are now in their early teens. I am STILL constantly asked why I won’t give him a baby. Oddly, he is never asked why we don’t have kids

And when one is asked if one has ever regretted not having children, this is the only response: Have you ever regretting having them?

I decided at the age of 12 that I don’t want children. My grandmother (mom of seven) said “Good for you! If you don’t want them, don’t have them.”

My favorite response for shock value is “Because there’s a 50% chance it could be a boy.”

I wonder how much of it is that women see ALL of the pregnancy/motherhood picture and men are kind of told that as long as they sort of show up and play with the kid sometimes they’re great parents?

Coworkers who knew I shrugged off baby visits were taken aback at how squirrely I got when someone brought a puppy in. I adore pets, so the reaction they expected to get for a baby came out in full force when a woman from legal came in with her new lab.

My young, female gyno once asked me why I don’t want kids. I was THIS close to getting huffy, when she admitted that she also doesn’t want kids and was having a hard time dealing with pressure from her family. We commiserated for a bit. It was great!

Dude. People think women are obsessed with children, but literally every straight guy I know my age (early 30s) isn’t looking for a girlfriend/wife — he’s looking for a host.

I’m not sure about this, so I’m curious if anyone is more savvy in regards to retirement funds. Anyway, kids are EXPENSIVE. If not having two kids means you can invest, say, $20k extra in retirement funds every year, starting at ~30, you’re going to have, like, $1 million extra for your retirement. So, sure, you could

At 35 I had the same experience. It seems all the guys at that age suddenly realize THEY have biological clocks and the men who don’t want kids assume you do becasue you are a 35 year old woman. I’m still single at 49 but no regrets.

Same about not cooing over babies. I’ve actually said I can see it from here when someone said don’t you want to see the baby?!

The child subject usually comes up because I’m more inclined to run away than coo at the co-workers who bring in their kids. So it’s not secret that I don’t want kids. I’m 34, single, and have known since I was 17 that I definitely didn’t want kids.

Jones may have just opened himself up to defamation/slander charges in the Comet Ping-Pong case, too. He “apologized” right before the deadline to do so under Texas’ defamation laws and claimed he had been misinformed, but if he’s forced to admit under oath that he knew there was high likelihood of this being bullshit

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them.” —Maya Angelou

Now playing

That’s typical of any group that’s accustomed to being in power, either by dint of gender or race.

You might be a woman but you still retain your pre-transition level of male entitlement and desire to mansplain to others about stuff you don’t understand. When you are born with a vagina and it is cut away as a child and sewn shut and infected then you can talk.