
You clearly DO care, or your reaction wouldn’t be so wildly offended. But w/e. It’s been a minute since this all went down and I don’t really care all that much anymore. Sorry you were triggered by my having an opinion you don’t like. I’ll be sure to change all my thoughts and feelings to match yours from now on.

Who says I’m not respecting them? Why do you equate a belief that someone has a mental illness with a lack of respect? There’s nothing wrong with being mentally ill, and saying someone has one isn’t an insult. It’s that stigma against mental illness that keeps many people from seeking treatment or even admitting

Samurai Champloo is *amazing*, a real visual treat. Ouran is fucking hilarious. Fullmetal Alchemist is... profound, in a way, and you’ll cry like a little bitch.

My friend once told me that her parents would vote for Hitler if he ran on the Republican ticket. I was shocked but it was a superb lesson for me in terms of understanding how people can be, i.e. utter garbage.

Somehow I’ll manage through this vale of tears called ‘life’ because a few people on the internet disagree with me.

This from someone who gets “Raging Bull was a furry because ‘bull’ was in his name”? Rich. And hypocritical.

Ah, I didn’t realize you were just a shit-stirrer and took you seriously. My mistake. But now I clearly see that you and bound and determined to go to ridiculously hyperbolic lengths and act a fool so I know not to waste my time with you anymore.

If you want to get philosophical, all observations are assumptions. You’ve made some assumptions about me, some of which aren’t correct, but I’m okay with that.

I’m really, really aware of the likelihood of violence in the mentally ill population, since I’ve had more than a few bruises, two busted lips, and once a broken thumb because I was on shift when someone went into crisis. Consequently, I’ve learned not to assume that a person is 100% stable when I can tell that they

I wrote and rewrote a response to you, but deleted it all. Ultimately it boils down to you making innaccurate assumptions. You apparently think that ‘if I were trained’ I’d... somehow magically be able to do everything perfectly without knowing the patient’s individual needs? That’s not how psychiatry works.

These sorts of mental illness are not caused by how a person was raised or any ‘mistakes’ a parent might have made; they’re generally organic, meaning congenital or due to some sort of chemical imbalance.

Hey, can you not refer to this person’s son as an ‘it’?

...except we’re not talking about people with depression, we’re talking about people with delusions and/or dissociation, both of which can be very dangerous because they often lead the person into making unsafe choices.

Like, you can tell yourself I don’t ‘get it’ or that I’m ignorant, but I understand it perfectly; the problems appears that I don’t share your opinion about it.

I rather see myself as someone who’s done a bit of studying about human psychology, has a little experience in the treatment and care of people with mental illness, and knows how to think critically instead of accepting every assertion that comes out of someone’s mouth as gospel truth just because they believe it

Who said anything about treating people poorly? Just because I think someone is mentally ill doesn’t mean I show them a lack of kindness and respect. Do you always connote the expression of an opinion on the internet with some sort of real-world brutalizing?

If you’re going to get butthurt over my having an opinion you don’t share, can you at least stick to things I actually wrote instead of making up your own narrative?

The Buddhist version of this is to only speak when something is a) true and b) helpful. Other possibilities: true and unhelpful (“Your huge ass looks awful in those jeans!”), false and helpful (“Your (giant, lumpy) ass looks great in those jeans!”), and false and unhelpful (“Your (actually quite small and shapely) ass

How about I respect them just as much as I would anyone else with an obvious mental illness: with a hope of trained staff lurking nearby and an awareness that in the event of psychiatric crisis, I might need to file an incident report?

You can tell yourself you know more about my medical conditions than my doctors and myself, but it’s never going to be true. Sometimes you don’t have all the answers, and you’re just going to have to live with that sad fact.