Tap-Dancin- Vaudeville Penguin

Trash people are doing trash things, news at 11.

“Preventing” is a funny way to spell “inciting”.

Y’all are crazy. Both my parents worked low-income jobs and my sister and I got the same food as they did and had to eat it and not leave anything on the plate because we couldn’t afford to waste anything.

Is there a sword in that scone?

Any other tips on this one? I intend to try it soon as polenta’s been on my try list for a few months now since I already own cornmeal.

We always used the microwave for squash to put on the Thanksgiving table: the appliance is there, the squash need to be cooked, and oven space is at such a premium we couldn’t not use it. Works a treat, and when you’re serving them mashed with butter and spices anyway, no one is going to care they aren’t oven-roasted.

This. Coupled with the Steam Fresh bags and I’m all in - 5 minutes in the microwave and they’re perfect.

The microwave is pretty much the only way I can make sure I’m eating my vegetables. Yeah, roasting tastes better, but it takes more energy to heat the oven then to run the microwave. Oh, and it’s also already hotter than Satan’s taint in my kitchen, and I’d like to prevent it from getting worse.

Author: do your own research and write something that’s not being spoon fed to you by BS studies and reports that are financed by pet food manufacturers. K9s are not designed to eat “balanced” diets that are processed and come in bags from the store with ingredients that they can’t digest and chemicals that are used

For $200? No way that's a white baby in there. White babies are way pricier

Neat how they made a restaurant with no waiters!

*Russian groups

everyone hates us! Let’s go home! Blue Lives Matter! wahhhhhhhhh!

2020: the year of record Darwin Awards!

Same here; store owners are expected to tell people to leave if they aren’t wearing a mask (and every store I’ve been to has a sign explicitly telling people to wear masks), but nobody’s actually enforcing it. Pretty sure clerks aren’t too keen on the idea of getting into a confrontation with a possibly-armed nutjob.

Lately, the cops are the only pissbabies whining louder than the anti-mask morons.

If they are unwilling to wear masks, why would you think they are willing to follow any other health codes? Guaranteed this place has a filthy kitchen with a bunch of unwashed hands touching your food. 

Which is why opening back up for indoor seating was stupid.

I pet the pet food industry didn’t fund this study at alllllllll.

Cops at time perform vaginal and anal searches because people have used those regions to hide weapons.