Tap-Dancin- Vaudeville Penguin

Wow. All the hype for... this?

When it comes to Trump’s rabid hatred of Chicago we shouldn’t forget Pres. Obama’s ties with that city. It drives Trump crazy to think of Black excellence at all, and this city will always be a part of that excellence.

Chicagoans don’t take shit from anyone; which is why people in downstate IL are shit-their-pants afraid of them. When people get tired of talking about the weather they launch into the usual “those **** better stay the hell up there or we’ll bring back Nineteen hunert eight:” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Springfield_r

Please, I beg you; take up race walking instead. Sure, it can look a little funny and there’s a bit of a learning curve, but you will work 90% of your body whereas running works far less of it. You have seen jogger’s butts bounce up and down? Yeah, that doesn’t happen with RW. That ass become your engine and your abs

They are great for ‘baking’ sweet potatoes too.

I seldom bother with most fresh produce anymore. Frozen veggies were quickly blanched at the eight of nutrition and bagged. They are the most nutritious, imo. Of course, fresh tomatoes and a dozen other veg can’t be delicious after freezing. That’s what Aldi is for.

I love our “Science Oven.” It does about 90% of our ‘cooking’. I have more or less been a nomad my entire adult life. I didn’t always drag a television from home to home (I only needed it to play DVDs anyway), but I always had a microwave oven.

This is all strange to me also, but then I grew up very far from restaurants and takeout options. Just didn’t happen. My mother’s job was the home, and she was a devoted and determined cook (if not very adept). And I know a lot of things have changed but, yeah, our home wasn’t a democracy either. You ate what was

blue lives splatter

People who walk around with food in their hands, eat while they are driving or cycling or doing anything other than sitting your butt down and eating: get your priorities straight.

I just can’t get past the “To be read out loud” lol.

I have never told anyone before, but I hate the taste of olive oil. And I have tried the fancy kind too. I don’t even put oils in food unless the recipe absolutely requires it. It ruins veggies or a salad by making everything greasy and, again, the taste :(

Everyone knows it isn’t the original Tomatoface. The name has simply become synonymous with Serial Shitposter. I would think that you would understand that line of thinking.

That weird dancer’s strut was straight out of some Charlie’s Angels/James Bond third of fourth ‘take’ Bullshit. When the dude suddenly appeared in front of her I was expecting some weird-ass, pre-rehearsed pas de deux to happen. Is any one else nauseous?

She’s gonna get SO many daytime/latenight talk show gigs. This is messy AF.

When I saw this earlier I knew it had to be a “shopped” photo. White women, you need to feel some embarrassment really. Wondering if the cops wanted to beat her or fuck her both. Both.

When chefs become Uber Celebrities... sigh. Invite Celebrity at your own risk.

OK, this is just nutz. How many sharp-eyed children were forced to somehow(??) get the coke inside of these beans? How did the traffickers plan on extracting the pretty crack from the beans upon delivery? It’s all kinda funny at first, but you can bet whomever had to put this Surprise Package together for some

I just came from the grocery. After queuing up, then reaching the plexiglass destination I saw the note that had been churned out from the store’s printer: “Please use exact change as.....”

I posit that all of this hyper-convenience has made the populace lazy, indifferent to the needs of others, entitled and intolerant. But it’s good that you see the milkshake glass half-full and that your fajitas are always covered with cheese, by golly.