Tap-Dancin- Vaudeville Penguin

Haunted by what though?

IDK, I’m having flashbacks from my years going to Boston-area art parties.

I watched a video of the big return to Epcot and it was a horror show, so much social distancing failure, so many mask failures, and the indoor eating spaces were simply way too close quarters. The idea of a person who uses a drink or food as justification not to wear a mask at an amusement park seems selfish to the

This is Peak Portland.

No doubt. Some MLM Miss Ann flavor of White Savior all-live lactobacillus Greek yogurt *now with racism healing crystals*

I am lactose intolerant and it has never stopped me from drinking whole milk or heavy cream straight outta the carton. So much pain. I regret nothing.

$100 says she is an Instagram influencer.

In some cases it might be outright “me above all else” selfishness, but many people might simply be taking their cues from the wrong institutions. Disney was not in any way banned from reopening by state or federal government restrictions, so they are now open for business—and since Disney World has only closed a

They’re definitely that desperate out here.

Wonder if it’s a ‘test’ to see how effective it’d be. Ship it to someone you don’t care if you never hear from them again, wait to see if it arrives, re-calibrate from there.

That and “Fake it till you make it” have been the most destructive mindsets in history.

Crazy what job is not on that list.

Oh God, but if that were true.

My favorite time to eat ice cream is on a cold, winter day, where you can walk around outside all you want, and it won’t melt. It’s a yearly tradition of mine to get eat some peppermint ice cream and walking around the outdoor shopping mall during the Christmas season.

I’ve already texted Claire. 

My family is from southern Italy, and us women ruin everything. 

I love Atlas Obscura.

And yet I still learned more useful medical advice from this article than from the latest White House Coronavirus briefing.*

We’re all going to die some day. Not sure why, but that was my first thought to this news.