Tap-Dancin- Vaudeville Penguin

It may be a slide show, but the content isn’t garbage. The writers don’t have any control over this. I’m certain that they hate it too. So let’s not make their job any harder, eh? They do their best to please us. Slide shows are here to stay, it seems. We just have to deal with it (or find another food site).

Is there anything better than sitting outside on a hot summer evening with a nice, cold ice cream cone? Or sitting inside with the air conditioning blasting on a gross summer afternoon with a nice, cold pint of ice cream?”

I don’t see anything ‘wrong’ with re-posting a tasty blog of yore (a month ago).

I wish I could find the tweet that replied to Trump’s claim. It’s a pic of a MAGAt on an airplane using a face mask to cover only his eyes so that he could sleep in his seat.

This would be a very awesome thing to pass around at a party. If we could actually have one :(

Apparently what they say is true: “You can’t imagine ‘it’ unless you have experienced it yourself” because, wow, this sounds rough. ‘It’ can also be chronic pain and panic attacks, so I feel for your sister.

I suppose if they aren’t actually speaking they pose less of a risk. The breathing part, however, is problematic.

You can’t walk into our Walmarts without a mask, but the small grocery that is closer to us is not enforcing the mandate. I think it’s because they’re afraid to lose business. They are GOING TO LOSE MINE. I’m looking at you, County Market. People aren’t avoiding you because your prices are higher.

German Mustard Potato Salad rules.

Ah yes. The joy of discovering the Inventor Inside. I once went to a hardware store to find a “doodad” I needed. I described everything about it to the employee. He said, “yeah, that doesn’t exist.” Watcha gonna do???

Will do.

I remember exactly what I was doing when Princess Di was murdered (there’s no doubt in my mind; No way was Liz going to let a Royal marry a dark-skinned man). For some reason I woke up 10 minutes before the first report of the crash and saw everything allowed. It’s a travesty that Will and Harry did not become adults

Thanks, haven’t seen 8-8 before. I’m starting to think they’re all iterations of the phony Dr. Lizardo; especially when they all start talking to each other.

While it’s true that racist males are widely represented by working class dudes, there’s definitely a type of white male, likely married to a Karen (or divorced from one).” I shouldn’t laugh, but this did tickle me. You and I are in the same age group but I can’t recall knowing any Karens personally. At the same time

How about just Steve and Dave? The Karens typically seems to have some economic privilege over other white women. Racist males, on the other hand, seem more widely represented by your working-class dude (often in a truck).

A half cup of sugar doesn’t seem like much. Are these sweet at all?

I was like “Is that a nut in there?” I just don’t know about nuts and potatoes. I’m the opposite: they look better than they taste? Oh hell, I can’t imagine what they taste like :(

Lol, you’re very funny.

Bullshit. More likely she was an art history major in college and couldn’t get a job, so she married some shlub with some influence who got her a Patronage job with the EPA. She doesn’t give a fuck about the environment. And her husband dumped her.