
Definitely. And that is....fine. If she really does have some evidence and knows the ins and outs of the case. I think it is fine to say that while she may not actually believe her, that using her very loud megaphone to call a rape victim a liar at this particular point is harmful to the progress we are making.

Here’s what stood out: “...I naively believed it was important to share MY perspective...” (caps are mine)

I think that the guy accused is basically a friend to her which horribly skews her perspective. It is hard to think that your friend or loved one is capable of such horrible behaviour.

It’s not just you! Which means the very first sentence of this article is a fucking lie.

I think you bring up a good point, and no, I don’t think it’s inherently wrong to believe the men you love. However, if you’re a public figure like Lena, and you feel the need to release a statement that the victim is lying, even though you have no way of actually knowing what happened, that’s where you cross a line.

she only apologized because she had to

So I genuinely have a question about believing the victims. I believe the actress who came forth and all the ones who came before her to share their stories.

Thought the same...

Hi, Jezebelles (and beaux)!

Yes! The sponge, too! I had one of those stuck for a week. Fortunately, I finally managed to yank it out myself, but I think I pulled some vaginal tissue out with it. Oh, sorry, TMI?

Wait I had the same thing! It was a different molar but they told me they could fuse to the bone, rot, and my whole face would collapse.

Well, it wasn’t a doctor, but my dentist told me my wisdom teeth were basically beneath my cheekbones and there was a chance they could migrate to my eye sockets.

Yes! Magenta would have been good

I’m old enough to remember that, but I would have thought the most difficult word in those lyrics today would be “transexual” rather than “transvestite”. The reason both words are in the lyrics was because they meant two different things: “transvestite” referring to someone who wore clothes that were traditionally

Madeleine: I’d also probably fuck Sue Perkins, honestly.

We wanted juicy gossip not allegations of child abuse :(.

That explains a lot

Side boob? This thing would give me side vag! Even when I was a younger and thinner, at the height of Baywatch popularity, this style of suit did nothing to make my legs look longer...it just made me stress about my pubes.

What the hell is going on with the shape of Henry Cavill’s body? It it Holy Steroids, Batman or just shitty Photoshop?