That’s exactly the thought process. According to his own spokesperson, the real story no one was talking about was all the little girls Roy Moore didn’t molest.
That’s exactly the thought process. According to his own spokesperson, the real story no one was talking about was all the little girls Roy Moore didn’t molest.
A Fox News poll recently gave Democrat Doug Jones a stunning 10-point lead over Moore, while most others show Moore polling a few points ahead of Jones. Either way, that’s a whole lot of Alabamans who are fine with this.
They couldn’t call it Drew Barrystore?
In all honesty as a person who does some social media management professionally (not my main gig, but I do run two corporate consumer-facing accounts) it will not hurt them. This kind of irreverence and snark is what most people are attracted to now. Earnestness doesn’t get likes and retweets, sass does, every time.
Of course. Republicans quickly turned on Milo but they’re all falling all over each other to endorse Roy Moore...
I’d mostly agree, but I think Garrison Keillor had one accuser.
Oh, definitely. He poses a threat to MEN. We can’t have that.
Speaking to that, did you see how quickly the Ryan Seacrest allegations disappeared/ were dismissed?
You may be onto something.
Nail — ->Head
But those were women, and we know how seductive those 13 and 14-year old females can be! Adult men can’t be blamed if they are manipulated into giving in to those sneaky girls.
Despite the fact that this current revolution was kicked off by allegations against Ailes and O’Reilly, it exists now almost exclusively within democratic party politics nd the left-leaning world of culture and media. Roy Moore does not live in that world. He and his supporters reject that world. And so he is immune…
Oh, that was a HUGE reason why they acted so quickly.
They went after teenage GIRLS, who everyone knows are nymphet minxes giving off all these signals and vibes to older men *constantly*. Teenage boys, however, are innocent of any possible wrongdoing when it comes to sexual predators.
It’s really enough to make you start believing weird Scientology conspiracy theories. I in general tend to think of them as an authoritarian thuggish and wrong organization but not “secretly in charge of all LA institutions,” but what other incentive in the world would people have to protect this guy? He’s not…
I think you’re right on the money with this.
I think that’s definitely part of it. I’m also interested in the differences between accusations made before vs. after Weinstein - do old accusations get a bump in credibility/visibility just because of the Weinstein effect, or do new accusers have to come forward to restart/reset the whole thing? Also, it’s been…
I thought we were supposed to let Alabama voters decide if pedophilia was okay or not.
I said something to that effect to my husband a couple of weeks ago (that he’s facing worse repercussions than others who’ve done similar things because of homophobia) and this sure isn’t doing anything to change my mind.