
Well this is the queasiest a news story has made me feel in a while and I read an article about slaughtering dolphins earlier. :/

I’m just here to say I like Drew Barrymore and this seems pleasant.

What was the thought process here? If we show him with a little girl and he’s not molesting her that’s a win? I am..I just..can’t. The mind boggles.

Oh yeah, I’m sure it’s by no means the only reason

I think a part of that is that multiple people have to come forward for an allegation to be taken seriously.

I think I’m missing your point slightly. I can see why the gay community would want to distance itself from Spacey because of those narratives but I think that because those narratives to exist it made it easier for people in positions of power to buy Spacey as an abuser. That doesn’t mean he isn’t, I think it’s

I think both could be true. That he might have been shielded but once it came out people reacted more negatively.

Yeah this also occurred to me. Though there are many reasons why it could be, some of which are less depressing.

Yeah obviously this is all just speculation. I mean it sounds like this guy was kind of spouting off about something he shouldn’t have been anyway.

Hadn’t thought about the teenager angle, but then look at roman polanski and roy moore...

I was reading an article earlier that argued there was a degree of homophobia in the reaction to Spacey. Like everyone was quick to drop him (not wrongly) but it remains to be seen if straight men will face the same consequences. Anyone have any thoughts?

Yeah it’s not ‘lying’ it just happens to not be true.

Yeah it’s not ‘lying’ it just happens to not be true.

Ok I will try and accurately explain my position. I believe that every woman should be taken seriously and supported when she makes an accusation because that helps other women to speak out about sexual violence.

Yes this exactly, you have put that so well

That most women don’t lie about sexual assault but occasionally false accusations do happen? No, I don’t think there’s anything contradictory there.

And I also know many women who have been sexually assaulted so I’m in a good position to have an unbiased opinion. I don’t think you are here to have a productive conversation so I would appreciate it if you would stop replying to my posts. Thank you.

No, I actually say later in the comments I have my own experiences with false allegations, they do, very rarely, happen. However, Lena Dunham should not have come out and called this woman a liar unless she had some evidence to back it up with.

Totally agree she should have said nothing, I mean I guess there would still be people insisting she should make a statement but it would have been far less an idiot move and betrayal of her supposed values.

I do think that almost all of the time you should believe the victim and that very few woman lie about sexual assault.