
I feel like she probably means what she’s saying, which is ‘I still think I was right but that was the wrong time to say it’ she better have some concrete reasons...

Is it me or does she still sound like she doesn’t actually believe her?

I do think the grey system needs some work, like I’ve been grey and ungrey so much I can’t even keep track. Plus every time I forget my kinja password (a lot) I’m back to grey again.

So I live near Brookwood and I always think about this when I go through there and you can see the giant cemetery from the train.

I kind of want a tail? Like commuting in it would be an hideous nightmare, but commuting is already a hideous nightmare and I think it looks cool, ok?

I miss local news in the South West. It’s generally filled with simmering resentment against tourists and bizarre animal news.

That’s so awful, I’m so sorry that happened to you. This kind of indifference/incompetence is so angering.

It’s so gross it makes me want to vomit :/

I just can’t believe the prosecutors weren’t going to press charges. I mean it seems like a pretty clear case if there ever was one.

My friend had an interview to be her kitchen assistant the other week. That’s all I came here to say.

IDK why stuff like this and the pokemon dildos annoys me. Can we not like talk about sex toys people might actually want to buy?

Seems crazy no one noticed before.

I can get why there’s a lot of reasons she wouldn’t want to do an interview here but it’s still something I would really have been interested in seeing and it’s sad it won’t happen. Also she might as well because not like anyone here will be voting Trump (and if you do I will find you).

Wait is this a punishment for him or for us? Can his thing be that the pictures continue but the money goes to a charity or something. For kids who can’t swim good?

Drawing people is not sexy. It’s all like ‘stop moving’ ‘your face is WRONG’ ‘what am I doing with my life, there is charcoal everywhere and I hate everyone and everything’ ‘here is a weird ass version of your face please burn it’

Eh well the age of consent is 16 in Scotland so not technically underage, just creepily young.

Oh look he’s finally sexy.

yesss love this

I like long dungarees

Well I am looking for a job. Will take personal criticism for cash.