
This is insulting to her journalistic integrity and how much risk she took, but not surprising. I have noticed that a lot of books authored by women are marketed to fail. A few years ago, I decided to make an effort to read more female authors (and have read some amazing books as a result), but I can't get past the

I wonder how many total strangers she CCed this to by accident on the way?

Mom, not every inner thought needs to be an outer thought.

Ha! I think we may share the same mother.

Awe, she sounds like my Granny, who also can’t work email (and all the meteorologists rejoice). My brother (who lives with her) was expecting an important email the other day, so Granny told him she would make sure to check the mailbox daily while he was out of town. She can't figure out that email is a thing because

Hey look, my Mother finally worked out how to use email.

It’s shitty and exploitative to make and display photorealistic topless images of women without their consent and even worse to go around telling people that they may be images of the actual woman.

The people who love mayo always say that. It’s never true.

hot take: mayo is bad and no one needs various flavors of it.

There always going to be some twisted reason for someone to commit acts like this. We should focus on the means (i.e. the powerful and efficient weapons that are readily available to anyone who wants them) instead of the motivations.

He sounds and looks just as resigned and numb as I feel. This is the eighteeth time he’s had to make this kind of statement in his presidency. Eighteen times. God.

Definitely in his top 10 post-massacre speeches.

“This record is about fancying someone and maybe having a kind of connection and then realizing that it’s probably not going to happen,”

Ohhh, good one.

I like to compress them down into diamonds, which I then wear.

“Lost my temper.” BULLSHIT. This was predetermined. He brought that knife to meet her.

MAYYYBBEEE I’m just being bitchy today but this seems more like a humblebrag than an actual thing that happened.