
I read “alcoholocaust” and accidentally giggled out loud. I’m really sorry. Because this is horrible and tasteless and truly upsetting but something about that name triggered a response that I....am embarrassed about. It’s just...a pretty good name. Sorry guys.

The REALLY Good News: This town is noteworthy for its “unique firearms legislation” (as Wikipedia calls it) that REQUIRES each head of household to “maintain a firearm, together with ammunition therefore.” This ought to end well.

Every time you say “Namaste” an angel turns gay. Everyone knows that.

My first reaction was “hey, we’d take this a lot more seriously if the recipient was a girl!” then I remember that I was once a girl in junior high who got groped just about daily and no one ever did anything to stop it so...I stopped talking.

Bull fucking shit. I reported boys grabbing my tits MULTIPLE TIMES to my school and they fucking got detention. So no, this is not okay but don’t act like boys don’t get away with this bullshit EVERYDAY.

The problem with all of these is that they are actually Oscar Wilde quotes.

I would just really like to make a parody showing how men actually react when you reject them. And then switch the chorus up to the only way to actually get a guy to stop hitting on you:

babe this whole thing is a joke

My guess

Et tu, Bruschetta?

Totally. I’m fairly confident that if you went to Labrie before his trial and asked him if he thought rape was wrong, he would have said it was. I’m also fairly confident that Labrie had no idea that his actions could be considered rape and that he was shocked and bewildered by the fact that he was on trial. He

Shocking! Women less likely to support something that would hurt mostly women!

Do you know how much shit I gave away when I worked at Starbucks? How many free drinks? They could afford it and so can ihop. I say fuck The Man.

see also: britney spears “hit me baby one more time,” katy perry “teenage dream,” etc. etc. pop has been this creepy forever, because heteronormative sexuality is that creepy.
(also miley’s literal sexy baby video...but that was so blunt that on some level i sort of appreciated it, because it exposed all of the

This poor woman. I’m glad he’s dead, I’m sorry it took so long, and I hope she gets the chance to rebuild her life.

It seems like the failure was more than just the law, but a society that seemed unable to offer this woman and her family safe and reliable options to report and escape the abuse for decades on end. And this is clearly not exclusive to France.

Small pieces of dough dunked in butter, cinnamon and sugar, then baked all together in a pan. Often covered in a caramel sauce. Similar in flavor to a cinnamon roll, but the pieces all pull apart easily and there’s a nice bit of roasted sugar crunch from the bits that hit the edges of the pan.

Wait what?

It was going to be a no-win situation anyways with the native Americans and magical America. Don’t bring them up, and you’re erasing them. Draw upon native traditions, and you’re appropriating them. Make some shit up entirely, and you’re caricaturing them.