
It is, but does that mean I pick up my pitchfork every damn time it happens? Haha. Honestly though, if the anger was solely about her need for attention, there wouldn’t be people screaming that she needs to wear clothes, or show some “respect”. That’s all I’m saying.

Attention is how she makes money. Can't be mad at Kim for being Kim

Everyone should always be #TeamInterns


How the fuck is this not already illegal?

Like, the necklace is cool, and the skirt is fine, but that top...what even? It makes her look slouchy and frumpy.

What in God’s name is Olivia Wilde wearing?

Generally, I’m not into men, I don’t really find them sexy or attractive, and them covered in t-shirts and pants is my usual rule of thumb....

He’s thinking like Coco Chanel. Right before you step out your front door, take off one item of clothing. Otherwise, it’s just tacky.

I think he should only wear shirts if he pairs them with the short shorts in that last picture. I mean, you don’t wanna show too much, right? It is either thigh or chest. He is a classy dude.

I think the answer is easy. Have an orgy with all the GOP candidates so they all leave. You’re welcome America.

A follow-up the BBC’s wildly popular documentary series Planet Earth is coming to television screens in the near future

I’m more than a little shocked that our society’s rush to be outraged might have led to a mistake.

I don’t see anything actually wrong with the comment now. She was asked if she can understand movies from certain cultures, and her response was basically, “I don’t know much about the intricacies of the Middle East but I think we all share some commonalities and I understand the humanities in those films.” Maybe I’m

It’s a little more than “not exactly what happened.”

I think Matt Leblanc pulls off the silver fox thing well. Schwimmer was never really that attractive (though I thought so in the 90s, too?), and, then there’s poor, poor Matthew Perry. He was so cute! Then so not cute! And then we find out he was cute partially because he was addicted to cocaine!

In the 90's I would have hooked up with any of the guy Friends, but now, well no thanks. I wouldn't say no to any of the women these days, they all look great.

I am confused. Why would I force a person to play basketball with me if he/she was dressed like a basketball player? Does that happen? Forced basketballery?

I AM SO READY. Netflix has been yawn-worthy lately.

New Unbreakable. New Archer. New BoJack. And hopefully new F is for Family.

I had to read The Feminine Mystique for a grad school class on women’s history, I borrowed / stole a copy from my then-girlfriend. It was the Georgia O’Keefe copy, full of my GF’s high school baby lesbian feminist angry marginalia about “the patriarchy.” I will cherish that copy forever, it feels like such an