
No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another man’s religion or faith.

Maybe. But I’m on Swift’s side. I know she’s a vanilla white girl we all roll our eyes over, but she’s one of many women who have to put up with this shit from men looking for cheap plugs.

Something something white privilege?

Is it cooler to hate on Coldplay or Nickelback?

can’t wait until someone tells her that she, too, will die like everyone else

Grade: F (Blake Shelton says he’ll make you come come hell or high water.)

it’s just a side-by-side comparison of Khloe (taken several years ago) and Sydney Simpson in which they look, well, fine, they look like half-sisters.

  • If you don’t wear frayed denim this week, I’ll glue headphones to your ears and play The Fray until you do.

Ooh, is there going to be a T-Rex in this?

I don’t understand this.

This woman is a true hero. I should celebrate by sending her pictures of my genitals, right?

She’s a 19 year-old with an hourglass figure. I guess this is as “normal” of a body as we’re going to get in advertisements.

Sounds like his religion/upbringing gave him a lot of self-loathing.

Exactly. I’m fine with wearing whatever you want in terms of whatever social goal you have for your outfit (because social goals obviously aren’t just about impressing dumb boys; they’re also about getting hired at job interviews, or sharing an element of your personality as part of your style, etc!), but damn folks,

There’s a really awful interaction between cold weather and alcohol that makes people not realize they’re in danger until far too late. There are even cases of people being dressed fine for conditions, but undressing because they felt warm, and then freezing to death.

PSA for the young ‘uns out there: If you lose sight

Someone used the phrase “aggressively boring” round these parts a while back to describe something in one of the Deep Cuts posts, maybe; anyway, I think the phrase is most fitting here.

I just don’t understand why we arbitrarily decide some actresses are good and some are to be hated. Why? What purpose does it serve? JLaw and Anne Hathaway have done nothing wrong, yet they’re reviled.

I will talk about this for hours. Natasha annoys the heck out of me, and Sonya just gets f’d over by everyone. And that “sterile flower” thing that N throws at her in the ending chapters? Heck of a thank you for your dear cousin who saved your sorry little ass from committing bigamy with Anatole! It’s a sad story when

I’m just going to say what we’re all thinking. JIA IS FUCKING INSANE!! There’s no way this guy, even with the beard and Santa getup, is worse than Ted Cruz. For fucks sake, REALLY?