
I thought of this too but Cinda’s podcast was really taking off & I presume Becky’s photos were all over town and the internet. That’s why it’s hard to believe no one, not even Cinda or any of her hometown locals, recognized her, let alone any people she was close to.

Semi-related...am I the only one who thought, when the curtain went up, that they were doing the stage version of Singin’ in the Rain?

Suspension of disbelief? What is this nonsense? Everything on television should be 100% representative of reality at all times, because that’s how good art works. Right?

I had the same thought. Or Charles is Ben's, God forbid, understudy.

Half those worked for Superman decades

My favorite preliminary theory I’ve heard about Season 3 is that that little convo between Charles and Rudd behind the curtain was play dialogue they were nailing down.

I always suspected her because no sane person would willing have that godawful haircut.

Steve Martin and Martin Short did a lengthy interview with Howard Stern right before Season 1 aired and these two master performers said, unequivocally, that Selena was essential to the show and they would not have done it without, specifically, her. They said that she made them funnier, period, and that without her

I’ll admit “Shut up!” “That’s our slogan” made me chuckle, so yes, bad omission on my part. 

In your “Stray observations,” how dare you omit:

If Bunny isn’t a Folger could she be a Maxwell from the other side of the Hudson?

True, but they could also spin it as “being a dad who raised your children is more important than being the source of the sperm” which doesn’t have to be tragic but upbeat (at least to people who have, or are, adopted children or stepchildren).

100% certain that’s what they’ll do - a step too far towards tragedy for this show to go the other way. I’m also 100% certain that after the reveal Oliver will own it by saying it explains his profound connection to theatre. 

I got peeved at the Idiot Plot elements of the episode. Why drop the crowbar? (So idiots could find it.) Why didn’t Lucy close the passageway door behind her? (Because we couldn’t have a chase sequence if she didn’t.) Why didn’t her pursuer close the passageway door after Lucy’s Idiot Move of not closing it behind

I assume it would work by Teddy somehow faking the DNA results, but I have no idea how he would do such a thing.

Recaps keep missing opening animation clues: near the end of the credits, there are columns of red windows on the left and right. Individual windows flash blue rapidly. I was thinking it could actually be binary code!  Also, if you go to the extras for the show on Hulu, I think they recently added these strange “visit

It’s a hoary reference joke, but I still laughed at the unexpected Last of The Mohicans’ speech Oliver gave to his dip.

Okay, seriously, what did I miss about the mysterious messages that makes some people certain they were coming from the detective? To my understanding they get messages from an unknown number, jumped to the conclusion that it was the detective even as she denied it, then realized it was more likely the killer.  At no

What do you think they should say? “You should see somebody about your psychological issues?” Who’s to say she doesn’t already? She’s a Manhattanite and at least someone in her family (like her unseen aunt who owns her apartment) are massively rich. Aren’t wealthy Manhattanites stereotypically all seeing a shrink

THANK YOU! The amount of hate (or at least ambivalence) this episode is getting is bewildering to me. Definitely my favorite of the season too. It didn’t come across as “filler” to me, just a slower pace and a deeper dive into Mabel’s backstory which I think will be valuable later. I think it’s important to take a