
Hell, you are impossibly sad and ridiculous. Try to go something you actually in joy instead of trying to act like you’re too cool for school to cover up your deep self hatred.

When I took my 8 year old niece to see the musical “Frozen” for a matinee, we entered the main foyer surrounded Elsas, Annas, Olafs, etc. I was expecting those little Ultra Fans to be singing their hearts out!

That was a moose.

I freaking loved that bit! So never before heard from survivor Crystal explains acting to Misty and within a day Misty sounds more like Sally Field as M’Lynn, than Sally Field! Travis is twigged, Ben is starving delusional, and the team goes from razzing her to cheering her on. This episode had soooo much dark humor.

Me too, but with Jackie dead, who is the next obvious choice? Tai, I suppose.

I’m getting a “Marie Antoinette” vibe from the trailer, and think the wink that starts and the one that finishes are both loaded.  Neither Gerwig or Robbie are naifs, I have pretty high hopes for the punching up factor here.

Thank you! I clicked on the video just to make sure one commenter mentioned this!

Presumably the gun also has Nicolo’s prints on it, and they need to explain the DIY kidnapping kit that Tanya dumped out on the bed before shooting her way out. The breadcrumbs back to Greg are pretty thick on the ground. That being said, I don’t think we’ll ever really get a follow up on the investigation, but I’d

Wrong/right. They can, and they do. BUT statistically it isn’t as likely.

Guys like Cameron are kind of like dogs. They have no concept of the world going about its’ business without them. They are such the star of their own story always, even if they are just a bystander to a car accident, they are the person most tragically impacting by the accident that didn’t involve them. The only

I had a whole conversation with my stylist about this. She very pointedly spoke of the “trainer’s” blonde hair and blue eyes, and then showed Harper Bl/bl children. Was she saying Get a “trainer”? Get a trainer and have his B/B babies because neither you or your husband are B/B? Or was she saying children and buckets

I like those in my stall spare shower. In my main bath/shower combo, I like the questions mark with the ball bearings that goes over the rod, but the two perpendicular ball topper so you can have a curtain AND liner. 

I was so confused by that statement! Is there a new thing like having an Alexa enbled, self defogging mirror and you just say “Alexa, hold up shower curtain and liner!” Or does the author think everyone now has only showers with glass doors? Curious-er and curious-er.

I tried to start watching it after bingeing “Under the Banner of Heaven” and “Keep Sweet Pray and Obey” and was like ‘uhhhhh, yeah, this might be a bridge too far right now.”

Good lord, she looks like Nicholson’s Joker, except not as snazzy or fun.

Oooooh! Uroboros+ That has a nice ring to it! 

I was nominally raised Catholic (grandparents were faithful, parents let me skip out after first communion), and I assume these fundie types have their version of what we used to call “Cafeteria Catholics” where you just picked and choose which parts of the orthodoxy fit with your lifestyle and ignored the rest.

OK if I send you a share calendar invite? Just want to check your schedule for a get together.

Exception that proves the rule right there.

Between this (his immersive process and intensive process) and the article I read earlier this morning about LeBoof converting to Rad Trad Catholicism under the guidance of Mel Gibson, I’m on team Flo.