
I’ve never heard anyone use it in casual conversation, but I’ve read it multiple times. I’m now determined to use it in conversation several time next week.

Thanks for sharing that, it’s lovely. I just really enjoy her and I hope this is good for her. I know she has a lot of issues, but I love that she’s super open about it. I think she’s actually a good role model.

Hahahaha! My hat game is usually much more on point!

98% of the time, people are so focused on their own dang selves, yeah, they would miss it. I think this is a wildly extreme situation, but I know that dozens of times, I’ve been in an airport lounge or by the gate and a colleague will say “OMG, did you not see X star????” And I’m freaking useless.

Love it!

It’s not just women. With so many men donning the usual light blue shirt and khakis/chinos, I lump a ton of them together too. Most people don’t stand out. Most people don’t TRY to stand out. Most people fall into habits and just are unremarkable all the time.

I totally think that was script read and not an actual conversation. I mentioned below I thought they were doing a reprise of “City of Angels” which is a great musical about a writer who’s book is getting made into a move and he and his hero are obviously different sides of a coin and end up having a showdown. It’s

I actually thought it might be a reprise of “City of Angels” which is a very little known show, but one of my favorites. But I agree that their conversation sounded like stage script.

I think Saloni was pointing out that Nina and Howard were otherwise engaged during the blackout and definitely were not the people breaking into Charles’s apartment and not chasing anyone around the Arcatacombs. I think Krebs is Glitter Guy but I don’t think he committed the murder, I think there are at least two

Wait what? What am I forgetting? Who is Charles an absentee father to? Lucy isn’t his kid, she is a previous girlfriend’s daughter who Charles served as a father figure to.

This adopted person responded above before reading your post. I heartily endorse this message.

Yep, Oliver will find out he was adopted by parents of Irish descent and had no idea he was Greek. But before that is revealed they will do a “I don’t care! YOU are my DAD!” thing. I’m not denigrating that, as an adopted person there is nothing I hate more than “Do you know your real mom and dad?” bullshit.

The blue and red lights at the end of the opening are the lights of the cops and first responders. But now I need to go check again. And this season I keep re-watching them to catch the Easter Eggs, but if you’re talking about the part where the silhouettes of our three heros, those are emergency vehicle lights.

Maybe a Bustelo and she was adopted from Brooklyn Heights?

I loved the episode, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t roll my eyes at everything you just mentioned.

Or maybe he somehow influenced Will’s decision to do the DNA test, knowing that he was Will’s father and that it would destroy Oliver. Because there is now way an elementary school family history project would require a DNA test. I call Teddy shenanigans.

I would like to see her get a chance to show if she has more range, but I think she is perfect as Mabel. In the first season I was surprised at how good she measured up to her legendary co-stars! I didn’t really know anything about her and though ‘Disney Pop Princess’, but she surprised me. Then I stumbled across her

I see it as supporting my community, my neighbors, the environment, the ecosystem. The local honey I buy is more pricey, sure, but not exhorbitant. The beekeeper neighbors also have a plan so when you’re hone runs out you return the beautiful glass bottle with the metal and rub flip seal stopper, your honey is now $2

I’ll buy from them whether it does anything for my allergies or not. They are local bee heroes and I would happily straight up drink the honey (ok I sometimes do) from them on the regular! They are excellent at keeping our local bees very happy!

Dagnabbit! I wish I had remember this line the other night while I was doing a software deployment that spanned from 5PM to 5AM. I should have just posted it to the chat every hour on the hour.