

Yep. RFID tags+shield and RGB LED strip from Adafruit, and an MP3/SD card shield from Sparkfun. The two don't play well together, so there are two Arduino Unos, linked using the SoftwareSerial library.

I'm probably going to use Zigbee for my next project. How easy is it to work with on Arduino?

Edit: Whups, forgot DL to video

Wow. That's... really freaking impressive.

Now playing

I made a treasure chest from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It lights up, plays sounds, and can identify different items placed on it (for the purpose of playing the correct fanfare when removed)

The Furminator works primarily on the fluffy white undercoat. Not all breeds have this.

I just learned Arduino, and Raspberry Pi is next on my list! After seeing some of the great ideas here for the Pi, I'd love to see another of these show-and-tells for Arduino!

*sigh* Figures this would come out after I *just* finished doing it manually. Derp.

Microsoft Visual Basic 6.

I can't run this on my DNA, so I don't know if this is actually how it is, but I feel like this would be better suited as a widget that accepts voice or type (like the Google widget) and launches itself with the results as an app. To me it seems like I have to give up a lot of home screen customization to get these

This thing still eats RAM like crazy. After verifying that I had the new version, I scrolled through about 50 items in my feed. The Chrome process shot up to 400 MB. Refreshing the page didn't help.

Very handy. I feel like I've just been handed the answers to an upcoming final. =)

I didn't. It let me through without it just fine.

Ehm, no you don't. Just don't check that box.

This has been my experience, too. So far, Tim Ferriss' brand of the slow carb diet has set me straight.

Yep... this is the exact quote from the article I linked that made me assume he hadn't switched. I looked for something more recent than 2009, but apparently didn't look hard enough. =p

Aaah yes. Your source is newer than mine. The Star Trib article from 2009 made it seem like he had no intention of switching. It makes sense though: it does have a bluish hue to it now.

Jesus, it's not LED, believe it or not. Costs the guy a truckload of cash each year: http://www.startribune.com/entertainment/family/79272507.html?refer=y

Totally feeding the troll, here, but no, it's not: http://www.startribune.com/entertainment/family/79272507.html?refer=y