Except this isn't that tree. It's the one in Bloomington, MN: http://www.startribune.com/entertainment/family/79272507.html?refer=y
Except this isn't that tree. It's the one in Bloomington, MN: http://www.startribune.com/entertainment/family/79272507.html?refer=y
I love driving past this tree every night on my way home from work... except dealing with those on the road who clearly haven't seen it before. =p Living in Minnesota, especially so close to the human zoo known as the Mall of America, you learn to drive defensively haha...
Yes, it is: http://www.startribune.com/entertainment/family/79272507.html?refer=y
MySMS seems to be unable to send texts from my Verizon phone. Keeps saying "No GSM connection" which (while technically true since Verizon is CDMA) is a problem since any other SMS app can send texts just fine.
I'm in the same boat. I cannot send text messages with this app, but I can with Handcent or the built-in app. Same message.
Not to belittle the achievement, of course. That part's quite awe-inspiring!
So uh... who cut that video? Handshakes and back pats all around, there.
Any word on whether or not this will be available as software to install on your existing media server? $300 is mad-crazy expensive, and many of us already have a media server already.
Very rarely does a story leave me this intrigued. It appealed to both my software development background as well as my fascination with House M.D. =p
So what's stopping someone from shutting off the phone?
It's tough, say, approaching someone off the street. You'll have better luck finding/approaching someone you don't know within a community you're already engaged in (work, church, etc). You can mitigate most of the weirdness this way. =)
I was all ready to comment about the word "consensual" being a Freudian slip (thinking it was supposed to be spelled with a t instead of an s). Then I looked it up, and realized I was wrong. Then I made this comment about how I was an idiot.
It seemed to keep my username when I posted just now... which I also appreciate.
Cool. That seemed painless enough. Thanks for taking security seriously.
Isn't that more of a reward than a punishment?
Crap... Now I can't unsee that.
I always pictured it more like a RAID array for hard drives: necessary information/processes are stored in multiple places, and the brain can just reroute if necessary. Problems come in only when you damage enough grey matter to take out all neurons required for the memory/process. When someone needs to relearn how to…
Yeah, but... dude... it's Canada. They probably expended their arsenal of rubber bands back in the 90s.
Well aware. Never said otherwise.
Yes. You missed the line about reproducing it with a 3D printer.