
Did this for a bit, and stopped after awhile.

Yeah, I’m not sure. Some people have this problem (like me), and some don’t. There’s a multi-year-long thread about it on the MS forums, and the commonality among people who do have the problem seems to be Display Port. Personally, I’m running 2x DP and 1x USB, and my windows are all over the place.

From what I’ve read, the issue is Display Port monitors turning off for any reason (Sleep Mode, monitors going to sleep on their own or by Windows, or being manually turned off or unplugged). Apparently, the DP protocol is lacking something that HDMI has that lets it remember which monitors are positioned where.... or

Minnesota *still* hasn’t decided whether or not PPP money is taxable, so companies still can’t get their K-1's out... yet they haven’t pushed back the deadline? Yikes.

Thank you, that was a very civil reply, and I appreciate it. However, everyone in the world could turn off their faucet, and we wouldn’t make a dent in these problems. This is the environmental analogue of poor people accusing other poor people of being the cause of their poverty instead of blaming the companies who

1) Because it’s habit. I’m not sitting in my bathroom twirling my mustache asking myself how to wreck the planet, pennies at a time. The low cost to me, paired with the knowledge that renewable energy is likely being used to treat the water at said low cost to me is enough for me to not expend the mental energy for a

So wait... do you think that water, once in the sewer, is.... gone forever? You know that I’m paying for that water to be cleaned and put back into use, right?

Yep, we do. But thanks for making it sound like we kick puppies for fun.

Dayum. Jackpot!

Seconded. I’ve been to J.S. several times. It’s on the second floor of a building in Harajuku, in an alley by Kiddieland and TGIFriday’s. Access is from the outside, up some stairs. If they still have the sukiyaki burger, get it. Otherwise, get literally anything. Place is amazing.

As are their cannoli. Like... wow.

Also 56 Brewing in NE Minneapolis!

For “getting away”, you don’t have to go far. A few miles west of Minneapolis is Lake Minnetonka. Several of the towns on its shores are quiet and relaxing: Wayzata (pronounced “why-zetta”) on the north side and Excelsior on the south side both offer old town charm and boutique shops.

The knife handle trick has literally never failed me. Dent the rim of the lid a few times, and it will come off incredibly easily. Plus, you’re more likely to have knives in the kitchen than rubber bands.

The knife handle trick has literally never failed me. Dent the rim of the lid a few times, and it will come off incredibly easily. Plus, you’re more likely to have knives in the kitchen than rubber bands.

Mos Burger in Tokyo: A shredded beef “burger” between two soft rice patties. Nom.

Wait, you mean people get paid for speaking well of things? Goddammit, Hanke, where’s my check?

Just call me a shill and get it over with. God forbid some people in attendance at an event actually have a good time and be able to identify causes of problem instead of instinctively blaming the wrong company without it being insinuated that they’re on the payroll.

No, they just spread out the geography. The event was still going on, just over a 2 mile radius instead of shoehorned into a single, tiny park.

I was at the GO Fest, and here’s a breakdown of what I saw. TL;DR: Carriers were almost entirely a fault, and Niantic came up with some seriously cool ideas to frantically work around them. All of them were server-side changes.