
It should be noted that this is a dealer store/franchise. This location is not owned by RadioShack corporate. It's just a store that sells other stuff that pays RadioShack to be able to sell their stuff as well.

Bad idea. Lots of my friends tag each other in something just to call their attention to it... en masse.

@tamoriel: Oh, and my phone app sometimes crashes as soon as a call comes in. This causes the call to not even be logged so that I can't even know who to call back.

I hate how it randomly decides to send my texts to seemingly random people at seemingly random points.

Something similar happened to me while using a different launcher (whose name eludes me at the moment). It would crash, which would cause Android to take me to the default Home app... which then crashed... ad infinitum.

I'd just be happy with something that actually burns people when their character stands in fire (or any other ground-based AoE). Then the Alliance players on our server might actually be able to get raids done.

Hey guys,

@indiecraig: OK, so why are *so many people* so hellbent on saving the unico... I mean... trees?

Aren't most paper trees from vast tree farms? Aren't those tree farms owned by businesses? Don't those businesses re-plant the trees they cut down so they can continue to harvest them perpetually? I know that if I owned a tree farm, I certainly would. It's just good business sense. Therefore, isn't paper a renewable

Do not install this! I have a Droid running Froyo. I liked what I saw at first, so I set it to be the default. Within a few minutes, it started crashing endlessly. When whatever home app you have crashes, Android tries to go Home again. This caused an endless loop of modal "Force Close/Report" dialogs that essentially

@kilodelta6: Any scripts run on a web page can only contact/load scripts on the same domain. This is a fundamental rule of web browsers. So if, say, [lifehacker.com] loads a script from google.com, the [google.com] script would only have access to cookies that also originated from google.com, and not lifehacker.com.

Actually, you should be concerned if malware has access to your cookies. Since cookies often contain a session ID for web sites, anyone who can steal that session ID and has a browser that allows them to set that session ID on their end can attempt to impersonate you to the corresponding server without knowing your

Vote: ObjectDock #dock

I work I.T. for a telemarketing company. The companies who sell us leads get the numbers from all kinds of places, including the internet. There are services out there that will match a name and address to a phone number. They have no privacy statement, just a lighthearted promise not to store or share your number.

@Troy F.: Actually, that's what it does. It polls on all of the following:

I started using the Android app on Sunday. It's phenominal!

Ooooh yes! Thank you! I've been yelling at the Facebook devs for awhile now, to no avail.