
@aeronaut: They also recess the slot significantly. It would be difficult (though not impossible) to affix anything to it in a way that would fool someone.

This is throttling based on an entire filetype or protocol... still a far cry from paying money to an ISP to have your content take priority.

@puntai: Oh, no you can't. It's there, but there's no button to kill it.

@tamoriel: Nope... can't uninstall this one, either.

Awesome, maybe I can install this, then immediately uninstall IE8 and revert to IE7.

Bah. Their descriptions are cold-reading garbage. Fluffy banter that can apply to most people. Even though they sound like they're specific to you, just about everyone has every quality they say to some degree. Therefore, many people will assume that this guy's good, and buy the book(s).

Haha... I like this: A plugin to let me know if any scripts for *another* plugin available. With Firefox already alerting us if there are updates for *this* plugin, the cycle is now complete.

@pcx339: True, but it depends on whether or not they knew it was stolen to begin with. If they didn't (or as in this case, there's no way they could), then they'll lose the property and the money they paid for it, but no criminal charges are usually filed.

@seda: So we trust people on the Internet now... I suppose a TOS is enough of a legal ass-covering for them, but we all know it's never going to actually *happen*.

Uhm, I don't see anything on their site that says it removes *your* ability to listen to the track after it's uploaded.

@rubbsdecvik: Forgive me. Exclude the word "proprietary" from my comment. I just don't like having more systems to write code for when perfectly good alternatives already exist.

I'm sorry... this chaps me.

No! Bad Google!

Puh-raise the Lord!

Ha... It's a beta. Of course.

@KStrike155: CAPTCHA, reCAPTCHA... similar idea, different revisions. I was referring to the concept in general.

Yeah, uhm... It should be noted that according to Gizmodo, there are actually people that review each image to find your match. It's not some magic box that can identify images. If it was, CAPTCHA would be obsolete.

My bosses would castrate me if they found me reading Lifehacker, let alone napping, let alone for 2 hours. Fortunately for Lifehacker, Outlook is a quick Alt+Tab away.

@artfuldodga: I was just thinking the exact same thing. This gives me a case of the warm 'n' fuzzies, for sure.