So apparently...
So apparently...
Wow... literally blaming the messenger.
@SamburgerHandwich: Aaah yes. I can hear their developers now: "Well, we got it working in Standards-Compliant mode in Opera, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari, but why the f*#$ does it still look like ass in IE?!"
Ooooh dear... why are you all recommending static IPs? With all the computers and users joining and leaving our network all the time, I'd have carpal tunnel if I had to configure each one manually.
@chareverie: Unless something has fundamentally changed on the internet, cookies can only be collected by the domain that created them (i.e. Google's cookies cannot be accessed by Yahoo). And even then, a responsible developer will never actually store anything in the cookie. Web servers usually only use them to store…
@chareverie: Hmmm apparently I was on the Dean's List in college? Odd... *I* didn't even know that...
@Gonz: That's not Windows 7's fault. I could write a bloated Linux app too.
@TheLouis: It's binary for "Sam", at least when represented in ASCII.
@monogodo: Socially liberal, Fiscally conservative? =p
@PrimeMovr: Unfortunately, this won't happen unless it becomes cheaper for companies to have their call centers over here. You can tell a company to bring the jobs over here, but unless you give them incentive to do so that outweighs the benefits of outsourcing, they'll just laugh at you... as they should.
So... what's stopping me from uploading an executable with a filename of setup.exe.mp3 (just add a new extension)?
@tamoriel: Correction: WiinRemote was the software I ended up using instead of GlovePIE. I quoted it as "WiiMote" earlier.
I tried this on a Vista Ultimate x64 machine. Getting *any* Bluetooth stack to work on it was a nightmare:
@snowmentality: Also, you can build in the 5% (for example) discount into your price behind the scenes. Then, you get what you want no matter what, and if they don't pay on time, you get a small bonus for having to put up with the headache that can potentially arise.
@snowmentality: I tried that for my I.T. consulting gig. Fees mean surprisingly little to people. Often, they flat-out refuse to pay, even if you have it in your contract. I've seen many contracts come apart months after being signed simply because they don't pay on time, and refuse to pay the fees that result.
No, it would not.