Tam Honks

To be fair, horny males have contributed a lot to society...

Some (stupid) people keep arguing there’s not really any evidence of climate change but it really is true that California has been a perfect case example of it over the last few decades. I didn’t even live near any reservoirs and I recall feeling more than once that the multiple days of heavy rain were the coming of

I don’t understand.

God forbid it actually happens, but if Trump gets reelected, what is he going to do all the time when can’t campaign for himself anymore?


I’m not surprised. A lot of people can’t comprehend they might be the cause of something bad, so they find a scapegoat. Honesty with oneself would take actual character, and the majority of the current conservative politicians are spineless bootlickers.

It would be hilarious if this was from tainted cheeseburgers. 

This is a factual fruit finger-fucking fracas over flagrant female fradulence and forgery. Fantastically frustrating.

Edit: medical field internationally. This is what I get for using my phone to do kinja. 

Having not been exposed to the medical field intentionally, I can’t say for sure if it’s specifically American, but it is a thing in America. It’s not something you’ll hear everywhere, and it does seem to be changing gradually, but it’s a historical problem that’s taking it’s time moving entirely in to the history

This kind of thing is super frustrating to me. I think a lot of it is a classical medical perspective problem: everything must be categorized, and things are either healthy/functional or unhealthy/dysfunctional. Women have different things and are therefore are dysfunctional, because the medical model does not

The website does not have free samples, pizza, or the cheapest gas station in town. Why would I go there?

That pattern is logical sounding to me, and I don’t think it is contrary to what I said. My point was more about there having to be some essential preexisting factors for an eating disorder to come into existence in the first place. It sounds like in your case those factors still exist, which is why anytime you start

Eating disorders are very complicated and intractable in many ways that other MH issues are not for a few reasons, but especially because they are so inherently socially entangled. The online ED communities are an inevitable extension of that, and just macrocosms for the inherent contradictions that are necessary for

I don’t even know what this article is about. All I could see was the truly tragic facial hair in the header and my brain could process no other information.

So he’s got a thing against windmills now? Does that make him Donald Quixote?

Not surprising, but I think they're overlooking the consequences of this PR strategy, which makes it look like the president is a weak baby who can't negotiate for shit 

I can’t say that I object to the current state of affairs. If the companies are taking money from the wealthy to subsidise the transportation of the less-wealthy, then what we’re seeing is (at least for now) capitalism-induced wealth redistribution. How often does that happen?

Pretty sure he meant to say (((their))), but that might have given away the trolling.