Tam Honks

If Brown is not down, I must assume Pup is down. But then the question remains, where is Brown?

I don’t think I understand what your argument is here. I’ve yet to meet someone who didn’t fundamentally want to be respected, usually meaning they want to be treated with kindness or deference. Is your point that the powerful should divorce themselves from that basic aspect of human nature? Is it just that the way

Donald Trump Has a Lot of Thoughts

I actually argue that program (often known as “fire camp”) is a pretty good one. I work with parolees who are transitioning out of prison, and a lot of them have had very positive things to say about the initiative. It’s a voluntary program, and it actually does a lot to help many of the people who go through it feel

Considering one of the subjects of this article, perhaps “grab joy” is a poor choice of words.

Further proof that he has no clue how any part of the US government works. Congresspeople don’t manage their districts, they represent them at the federal level, ya dink!

It is truly maddening that we live in a world where statements like that don't even warrant a retraction, let alone censure for the blatantly anti-American sentiment.

Form an asthetic perspective, perhaps not, but there’s definitely a strong sexual impulse to view the genitals of others and see them as arousing. There’s a reason there’s a whole industry for porn, that people send nudes, etc.

It’s really sad that Trump has to keep everyone posted on minor diplomatic interactions like this, because it’s 100% him just trying to prove he is doing his job sometimes. 

Ew. And why did you post one of them as the header image like that? NSFW!

True, but Hillary’s problem was also that she played the game by their rules, and let herself get caught up being afraid of the boogeymen they associated her with, which caused her to waffle too much. When conservatives call Hillary at socialist, she backs down, but when they call AOC a socialist, she says damn

But where can I go if I'm on PCP?

I feel like if the worst outcome of passing out driving is burning your dick a little, you should count yourself pretty lucky.

Note: if you have a tablet that can run Windows, like, say, a Surface, this item can also be the cause of said Stardew Valley hangover if mounted on your headboard. I may have personal experience with this phenomenon.

Note: if you have a tablet that can run Windows, like, say, a Surface, this item can also be the cause of said

I’ll disagree with you on one thing: when reading the article we should instead consider the doctrine of lorem ipsum.

I get the oddest impression that Pitbull may not have read The Great Gatsby.

I disagree.

So, this is an IRL Hydra LARP? 

The good news is, there doesn’t seem to desperately need to be. As much as these guys are excellent at an IRL Hydra LARP, they still managed to be outnumbered and outgunned by normal folks. Orange Skull only has approval numbers ~40% because most people (not as many as there should be, but still) apparently believe in

I’ve seen the pattern in Dumb and Angry come up a fair amount: an attractive woman with the clingy guy friend that she just isn’t willing to cut off despite him being a creep. While the guy friend seems like the obvious problem, it’s important to consider what this says about the woman too.