
Why no USB to USB?

Do they really have to designate these things with T's?

With 5" woofers you're probably looking to invest in a 2.1 system anyway.

Has anyone written up a nice letter we could mail/e-mail to representatives in force to stop this thing?

I've always wanted to make that my ringtone, but being the lazy bastard that I am never put any effort into acquiring it.

Perhaps these strange things are actually military projects, but the cost is so great that it isn't practical to utilize? Who really knows anyway.

As long as people aren't looking at secret military projects, the government is content with people thinking they've had contact with aliens and are simply hiding it.

or put Rollerblades on your feet!

I bought store brand juice once to save a couple bucks. Bad idea, it was a very difficult few days choking down the horribleness that it was; back to the brand name juice!

They should put some more energy into their Voice app, that thing sucks something fierce.

True, for me, I go on a week long vacation and I return to over 300 e-mails and 15-20 voice mails. It's amazing how many people ignore your "I'm going to be gone for a week" message.

I'd much rather get paid more, shorter work week, and less vacation days. But that will never happen.

What am I going to do with a week long + vacation when I have no money?

It's not worth their time or energy?

My first thought exactly.

I have no problem ignoring the kids. I feel trick-or-treating is a trade, you have kids who go out to get candy, you give out candy. I don't have kids, therefore I don't feel it's necessary to hand out candy.

Why can't you just keep the lights off outside and inside near the door and ignore the doorbell? That's what i do.

My thoughts exactly.

School kids go to school in the dark now, during DST, at least in MN. So I guess, what does it matter?

On top of those factors, does a portable music player even have a high enough quality D/A conversion to make those headphones matter?