
Will it delay my alarm? I’d rather get up later to skip the traffic all together.

It is purely situation based. I live in a suburb south of Minneapolis and drive to work (free parking). My mortgage is less than any rent rate I could ever find closer to work. And I like living near farm country because all of my outdoor hobbies are just better outside the city.

Thanks! Not sure if I want to do that due to subscribers.

It doesn’t allow me to even select my youtube account, I punch in my email and it auto syncs with google+

How do I get my YouTube account synced with the app? I’m one of those whose account situation got dumb with the advent of google+ where I have a sub account for YouTube, which I can’t seem to access from the YouTube app.

I feel sorry for those people. A knife is a tool just like any other.

I carry a knife everyday, why wouldn’t you?

I know there are a lot of these types of facilities across the pond, but I also am of the impression that the majority of them are pretty affluent. USPSA is designed such that a person of any financial income can get into the game. The costs associated with a range having to store these firearms would be quite a bit

These firearms are far too personalized for that. To keep the bowling analogy, it’s like your personal bowling ball, weighted and drilled for you. And in reality, no range wants the liability of having to house all the firearms.

Now playing

I’m not going to get in on a debate about gun control, but I’m a competitive shooter and honestly the game isn’t the same with airsoft. There’s skill and art (hand loading) to the games that can’t be duplicated with an airsoft or like gun.

For women it seems, at least in my office, they can wear whatever the fuck they want for most any situation. Whereas men are slacks, collared shirt, and at worst suit. Yes I hate suits.

Then everyone you delegate to will hate you. I’ve been that guy, getting another person’s entire workload because I’m the delegate.

I’m coming from a franchise environment, where if they bitch enough, you will be let go by management, whether legitimate or not.

...and when you don’t, they can your ass.

I feel like these work advice posts are great, but never apply to my job. Franchise customer service/project management.

What about if after your interview the hiring process drags with no follow-up interviews? I had one interview over month ago. I follow-up with the hiring manager within his suggested time frame and his response is that they’re still reviewing candidates. I would think that if I’m not getting an offer they wouldn’t

My question, is streaming truly the next forma? Are we going to get another hard-copy format after Blu-Ray? I still buy albums from time to time, because sometimes I want to get as close to original format as possible.

That’s why you do it with the good ‘ol George Foreman Grill