

Not if I get it first. You got competition, my friend.

Ugh, sorry, but... English is my 4th language and I can't figure out what a "trope" is in this context... or at all? Please help, google only confused me more.

"honey how long have you been up now?"


Like, I can't even tell anymore if he's that dull, or just too stubborn?

No, everyone has expectations of what they look for in the opposite partner. If he were like, stop being an alcoholic and then I'll propose, that's acceptable. But, make me 300 sandwiches bitch before I'll even consider giving you a ring is on a whole other level. What exactly were their demands? I'm guessing it

I guess you're still not understanding that it isn't about the act of making sandwiches.... I explained that in my first post.

Uhh... the ring is not a condition, it is a symbol. Men get rings too. And I know plenty of couples who have gotten engaged without a ring present.

Huh? What manner is that? I've never heard of a guy having to complete a set of conditions before he was allowed to propose...

I'm a feminist and I thoroughly enjoy cooking, because I also enjoy eating. I especially enjoy, however, cooking for other people. It's not that she's making him 300 sandwiches, it's that he demanded 300 sandwiches from her to "earn" her engagement ring-and therefore, his commitment. That's fucked up. Why would any

Ooh me too, me too! Beat me to it with Lucille, dammit!

I propose this picture to be placed in the dictionary next to desperate, pathetic, sad... any will do, really.

I didn't think that one single person could so all-encompassingly (I just made that up) embody desperation, until soon-t0-be Mrs. 300 Sandwiches came along.

Ew, she can haaaaave him. And he deserves someone as dumb and desperate as her. So all in all, it's the best outcome for all of us.


.gif is a file type where the picture typically moves. And meme

I need a coke and a smile? Hah, yeah, kk. Just hoping I'll never be one of those unfortunate people who run into you and ask about your tattoos on one of your obviously many, "stay the fuck away from me" days. I need a smile. Hahaha. Rich.

Yeah, clearly. 😒

Just as I expected you would take it as literally as you take yourself seriously, which, as we all can see is a considerable amount. I didn't tell you to cover yourself up, I'm simply saying someone who complains as much as you do about other people inquiring on your tattoos must have not had enough intelligence or