
I love tattoos but you don't choose to be a walking billboard for privacy reasons. It comes with the territory and probably something you should have thought about before you got them in obvious and visible places, you should have known people would ask you about it. It's easy to have privacy if you really want it.

I guess every culture has its quirks but I always wondered why Americans hate to be touched by others so much... :|

Well I posted a bunch of links for you regarding this, but apparently they don't allow that here.

I would be comfortable with that.

Just let me have my internet vent so I can go on about my merry day...

We had it coming. We unleashed 8 years of Dubya onto the world.

This guy needs to not be extradited anywhere else but the US if there are US victims. Canadian and Dutch laws, especially sentencing, are way too civil for him. Unless one of the other "international victims" is from North Korea or Saudi Arabia, one way ticket to the US where we still have the draconian death penalty,

Wonder why she cried all the time. You sound like a real charmer..