
“The phone companies have no financial interest in doing away with or blocking normal text messages. Why would they?”

You must have the good police 

No, I want to turn everyone else into Cronenbergs and then leave this shitty dimension.


As an American Arab woman, I really don’t understand the American idea that Arabs and Indians are interchangable. They don’t look at all the same, much less have the same culture or language. Is it just that some Arabs and some Indians wear “turbans”? This “Middle Eastern or Indian” search is really some messed up

Furthering that, sometimes those who suffer don’t say anything because they need to know if there’s someone who’ll notice and care enough to make the first move. It’s not a selfish thing— by keeping silent or drawing away, they’re asking themselves if they’re ever worth the effort. You reaching out to them is the

This times a million. I didn’t get help until I hit rock bottom and was confronted by family. Sometimes the person in trouble doesn’t realize it until it’s too late.

If you see someone who needs help, don’t wait for them to reach out to you. Go to them.

Don’t even think about making that comment. Don’t.

The problem is that the news story coming out is saying that crew they needed to move from Chicago to Louisville(a 5 hour drive) was for a shift that was schedule for 20 hours later. In reality it seems like they could have rented a car for the crew and pay them to drive to Louisville from Chicago. They could have

Indeed, United’s fuckups began long before it decided it was too expensive to up their offer to buy out its passengers tickets.

If it was actually that important, they should’ve offered more money.

* We sought volunteers and then followed our involuntary denial of boarding process (including offering up to $1,000 in compensation) and when we approached one of these passengers to explain apologetically that he was being denied boarding, he raised his voice and refused to comply with crew member instructions.

This is an unfortunate, but not unsurprising, outcome of over consolidation in the airlines industry.

It’s no more censorship than my local newspaper refusing to run my ad for “Looking for two dead goats to fellate, while a professionally licensed nurse tends to my anal fissures, in the nude. I expect to ejaculate on the back of said nurse at a minimum of 3 times. No calls after 9pm, please.”

Not knowing the difference between their, they’re, and there is really embarrassing. You should be ashamed.

More like if that spot is turning brown, someone else already moved the stem and exposed the flesh to oxygen. So if you move the stem and don’t buy it, I hate you.

Essentially, your beef throughout this thread is that an artist took artistic license while creating artful photographs.

It gets de-petrified into a flesh-and-blood demon and gets a job at Fox News. Hey-o!

Nick Brandt's best friend is his mother.