
Yeah but in another article it also says that they didn’t think the problem was paying him in pennies, but that the coin was soaked in oil, and that Mr Flatten still has a stain in his driveway. That’s what took it over the edge. 

Shots fired

Not even searchable on each web site’s search engine. You would not find the article.

The NRA is an amoral lobbying group part of just one idiotic country in the world with absolutely zero direct legislative power to influence the economy, whereas China is an entire sovereign nation and not to mention one of the biggest and rapidly-expanding economic markets in the world, with an *authoritarian

Take me with you, please.

“It was just a shape”

I’m so curious to know myself. Maybe wires that he photoshopped out?

You haven’t failed at words, you’ve failed at humanity, you imbecile.

Fuck you and your assumptions.

Everyone keeps mentioning his wife, but as I understand it she isn’t the biological mother (that isn’t meant to imply that she can’t feel motherly grief or anything like that). I’m just wondering why there is so little mention of her “real” mom and how she’s holding up in all this?

Lol @ the irony of this post

“He gets a pass”

I’m at that point, and it wasn’t even my oblivious family, it was my boyfriend who pushed me. So I finally got physically ill (think IBS-like) for weeks, and told my Doctor that I need mental help first and foremost, because I need his referral in order for my insurance to cover seeing a therapist. He told me if I

Later that day, duh! Why didn’t anyone think of that sooner? What with Louisville, KY being such a hot destination there’s practically a flight every 30 mins to keep up with demand!

In a 2005 study, levels of dioxin were found in seven brands of tampons. It has been found that women exposed to high levels of dioxin can be at risk for pelvic inflammatory disease, reduced immune system, endometriosis, and reduced fertility.

It does, and they aren’t exactly safe either. A lot of problems can arise from using tampons, they don’t absorb tissue so cysts can form.

I’m so sick and tired of hearing this stupid argument. Never mind the whole reddit isn’t the government thing, but there are MANY exceptions to “freedom of speech” that have been established in numerous & famous court cases over the years. What is the size of the rock someone living in America must live under to not

What he said.

There were worldwide protests for all 8 years GWB was in office. Republican Presidents tend to have that effect on the global citizenry.. I wonder why

Look at that grammar. You think this dude knows what a Pyrrhic victory is? Ever the optimist, you...