This is an outstanding thing to do for all sorts of information. I wish I could give more stars.
This is an outstanding thing to do for all sorts of information. I wish I could give more stars.
I’d recommend reaching out to your local cooperative extension. They’re based at state universities and have a TON of information on everything relating to gardening and farming.
I swear this is true (at least, from my point of view.)
Can I just remind you that the original reason they got a reality show is because a morbidly obese white trash mother had a morbidly obese white trash family and specifically a fat rednecky child who entered beauty pageants and people enjoyed laughing at them? What a time to be alive.
“Put that $2 a day toward your student loan, it’ll be paid off in no time!” Oh wait, the extortion level interest rates/terms mean that your $2 a day might cover a small portion of the interest you’ve accrued. Sigh.
It’s funny, but he’s really making me understand the “irresponsible” choices that people make. What use is health insurance if you can’t afford literally anything that health insurance helps you pay for. If you only have $100 left at the end of the month (a better situation than many poor people are in), breaking…
How did this happen so quickly?
heh. when my mom died in 2004, her total healthcare (most of which was covered) was $800,000.00.
How is it that women become hosts (non-people, non-humans), but a zygote, embryo and feotus are people and humans, not parasites?
Wow, all the issues here. Ignoring all the more obvious ones, I wonder if he’d be ok with laws which require men to donate organs to their children, even at the cost of their lives or health. All men should also have to provide financial support for children based on the child’s needs/wants not the men’s ability to…
Fine. That is just freaking fine.
There’s no country whose laws don’t cover trespassing. Now, there’s such a thing as disputing ownership, where I suppose public prosecutors (defenders?) would represent a biomass’s ownership over the citizen it is attached to. This should extrapolate to mean that all minors have executive control over their parents as…
If he’s going to get all biological about it, there’s a lot of evolutionary theory devoted to why any species logically needs a male as a separate organism, and if you stay true to the theory, there’s not a whole lot of justification. There’s a deep-sea fish (I think its called an angler fish) that encounters…
I know. This didn’t even enrage me. I just thought: well, they finally said it out loud.
And there it is.
If you ask these people for proof or statistics that women use abortion as birth control, it’s always the same.... “Back in college I knew like 3 girls who were always just using abortion as birth control” (and they’re usually the same girls who went around making false rape accusations to get attention, too) (and…
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. I am now :(
Is anybody else worried that eventually, this wall is going to be used to keep us here?