
The Oxford comma exists for a reason.

With a sandpaper condom.

Cheap beer? What games are you going to? A beer in the stadium here will cost your first born child.


A fellow old fogey in the U District here. No way would I trust anything an Ave Rat was selling.

I feel it’s safe guess that any drugs they were buying off the street here were not old-school LSD, but were cut with something else. There are some seriously next-level shady folks dealing in the U-District.

They have found her body. Not the outcome anyone wanted this to be.

The first movie I saw in the theaters was Flashdance. I was not quite 5 at the time. My mom took me because I was nuts about dancing, and it had “dance" in the title, paying no attention to the R-rating. Looking back as an adult, I can see how totally inappropriate that was, and wish I could ask my mom wtf she was

It seems like this is just a not-so-clever ploy to generate publicity for her company.

Unless those people are brown.

Well, we can’t be having that, now can we?

#notallmen, right.

Carl Hiaasen wrote a book about that - Skinny Dip

I didn't think they could either. Wasn’t there a kerfluffle about Palin and her using an expense account to go clothes shopping during her campaign?

Is it actually true about the subpoena, or is it just something they say to keep people from writing things down?

I'd say he's above-average in adorability for his age, and way, way more adorable than all the poor kids who go through that awkward phase as toddlers.

Quinoa, the hipster toddler

Hold up. Suri is 9?!?!?! I swear I thought she was like 4. What rock have I been living under?

I have always suspected this to be the case. I remember being at a 7-grade career fair and asking the meteorologist who was there if they all randomly chose the exact same fucking hairstyle (color, length, curl - it was a sandy blonde football helmet, essentially) or if all of them just shared a wig.