
Of course it’s Tiffany’s box.

It’s not against vegans in general. It’s against self-righteous people of privilege who think their personal choices somehow make them better people and won’t shut up about showing off how fabulous they are.

I’m going with Just Shapes. Trump already has the Klan’s support and doesn’t need to bother making coded nods at them. They’ll be happy with his racist policies and Sessions’s nomination. Besides, I don’t think Trump likes the Klan’s visual aesthetic enough to incorporate it into his own logo. Also, this man is

Hold. Up.

I think they’re trying to make something up because she isn’t a cop (an agent from the Californiadepartment of alcoholic beverage control). So probably can’t issue a driving related ticket other than dui/wi.

So that’s the distinction? Everyone else has a right to whistleblow their dissatisfaction as an employee about working for a divisive client but not if you’re a performer? Fuck that nonsense.

Exactly. These dancers, and women performers like them, are exactly the ones he gets away with pussy-grabbing. The reason? The same one that means they will get fired for not showing on inauguration. It’s beyond performance, it’s an ownership of their bodies by the Rockette company, just like it is in the pageants. If

Seriously. I grew up Mormon, and even though I’m no longer practicing, I’ve always loved the choir. That they’ve agreed to perform for a man who doesn’t respect their faith out of some ill-considered desire to make evangelicals love them is a fucking disgrace.

It’s contract adherence, which is arguably a good thing. He’s just being a huge dick about it. A good union leader would have said something like, “I understand your frustrations. I’ve looked over our bargained contract, and unfortunately there are no loopholes on this one. We’ll be talking with management over the

It infuriates me that this got swept under the rug. We’ve let all the shit Trump has done and say distract us from ther fact that he sued Twitter to attack a citizen of the nation he about to become leader of. What, does he think he can fire this guy from America Inc. for being a disloyal employee ER citizen? The fact

And the Rockettes’ red glares....

Not facetious. It’s been proven that the death penalty isn’t a deterrent to crime, so it’s really just about good ol’ eye for an eye bible thumpin’ “justice.”

I’m not questioning identity, I’m making a point about context.

Hmm. I think Scott Baio might be lying about his assault. How do we know if he just wants attention? What was he wearing at the time? Perhaps he’s too ugly to be assaulted? This seems suspect to me.

I’ve lived in both SF and Oakland and now live in Seattle. KC is awesome! We even considered moving there. The problem is that it’s surrounded by the rest of Missouri. And their politics.

There seems to be something especially backwards about corporations not selling products to the U.S. government, because the U.S. government is to evil in it’s use of those products.

Hail Satan!

Speaking as someone who loves that particular body part and that particular term for it, please don’t sully cunts by associating this woman with them. Maybe “appendix”? Useless, diseased, and better off removed entirely?

Because the laws are inherently misogynistic. They are transparently written to punish women for having sex and spreading disenfranchisement among the poor.

Hey, somebody’s got to be punished, right?!? Hopefully there wasn’t any kind of ballplayer involved. Would hate for this to ruin their life.