
I, too, am in favour of worthwhile arguments. Twitter is suitable for sloganeering and weather reports, as opposed to serious discussion. But my point is that a lot of the apocalyptic doom headlines indicate a real terror of Twitter being invaded, or re-invaded, by dreadful people with shitty opinions. Like, do we not

The role of Minmei is huge, she is the trigger for the enemies to reconsider exterminating the puny humans. How it is executed could be a potential career definer or career ender. I wonder who could pull it off, and with what kind of music.


Saying that the word for people who bleed monthly is “women” is not infringing on any basic rights. But I do think JK Rowling needs a lot of editorial oversight indeed — that is, when it comes to the Potterverse. Love that she made it, don’t love the sprawl and the tap-dancing in the later books and particularly in

Chasing Amy is a polished piece of work, I thought

The kid from Explorers looking stunningly like “booking photo Nick Nolte” ayiyah. Good thing WE never aged though, whew

It’s a good hooky opening of we can start wondering about that already instead of, uh, not caring. I fully agree. I think Marc is real (or the original) and I think that Stephen is a personality that spontaneously developed several months previous to the show to overwrite the violent life/awful memories so that he

Yes. Also, as the reviewer notes, the physicality. The way he runs, with mincing steps and t-rex arms, had us rolling on the floor. Poor sap! But we can laugh because the story is telling us that’s not what he is. Not nearly.

I like Radcliffe’s talent. He sure is a slick package outside of it too. Deft avoidance of an opinion. He has not yet seen a trend that tells him which person to throw under the bus and get applause on Twitter for it. 

I think it is whatever a powerless shrimp thinks is a power flex to annoy billionaires, who in fairness are annoying because they have more money than me. I was not sure this gave me a license to graffiti the virtual pages of my magazine with open hostility, but hey, these be the times.

No, silly, it is to get on a penis rocket because Bezos is short. God, I love the moral superiority of our side! We get to say whatever arrogant, inflammatory shit we want because we are good! Yeahh!  The power!!!!!

I’ve never been. You are saying there are no good looking Hollywood faces in Essex? How about (quickly googles)...um...Nick Frost...? No. 

Oh. My. Goddess

In the era of late capitalism, Elon’s pitch is to go back to unfettered capitalism. He probably also thinks meat inspections are unnecessary. Tesla stans, this is your guy.”

Great essay. Related to it a lot, though from an even further back vantage of envying, copying, and misunderstanding punk rock. Coolness is a delicious poison, and devious, because if you succeed and become cool, you then realize that you’re just another goddamn TYPE! You might as well have let yourself have authentic

You’re reviewing this movie with the clear presumption that otherkin are social pariahs, but is that the point that the MOVIE wants to make?

Wow, the Hilux. If it is good enough for terrorists and anti-terrorist units alike, it should be good enough to carry dogs, feed, and lawnmowers for me.

That’s the qualifications that appeal to voters. To appeal to their respective parties, candidates must first demonstrate the moral flexibility to be completely subservient to the corporations that puppet both parties. There is nothing more unwelcome than a loose cannon.

Loki contended that BW was amusing in her attempt to salvage a man no more moral than herself. And since he had a peek into Barton’s brain, it may be that Hawkeye (a reformed bad guy) had done some bad things. But maybe Loki was bullshitting for advantage.

I reviewed Warcraft and liked it. I was the one, I guess.