
On paper this sounds like the sort of turgid nightmare that would be produced only because it is important. But, damn my cynicism. I read that book. It is a hellova book, opened my eyes and maybe my withered heart. I’m keen to see this film -- if I can find it in a theatre! 

I see Albie heading for a masculinity crisis where he finally breaks through his passive wimpiness that he thinks is what people want from men and heroically assaults Lucia’s pimp. Then his pride will be undermined seconds later when Lucia cries that her brother has died and flees to the hills as the politzia arrive

please be vancouver please be vancouver (checks casting notices)

There are plenty of good actual reasons that have to do with time management and limiting exposure to stupidity and anger to limit Twitter exposure. I am searching my memory for some analog to quitting because we all have some cultish agreement that we don’t like the leading industrialist of our day. Don’t you use

They should call it “uGlee” and feature all story lines about lethal personal demons, but musically


I don’t agree with your conclusions, but your reasoning is fackin hilarious! Well done

The three lead characters live in a posh but secret-filled Manhattan building. After a neighbour dies under questionable circumstances, they meet each other and decide to investigate, as they are all devoted fans of true-crime podcasts. They then decide that this investigation would make a great true-crime podcast,

Too invested in the MCU to not watch this, I was still nervous. Would “Marvel Does Pakistani-American Representation” be as difficult as “Marvel Does Epic With Naturalistic Lighting” or as great as “Marvel Does Silly Christmas Adventure”? There is a weight on anything that feels “important” not to suck, because that

I was going to make a pissy reply to your pissy reply but then I saw that you defended the last season of GoT as rushed, not an actual abomination, and now I feel we are friends.

Yes, he notices what happens to white men because of his, wait for it, lived experience. Also, it is his truth. 

“automatically granted success”....mmmno

I know you don’t do the headlines, but Latinx sounds like the adult parody of this movie. Is there something inappropriate about “Latin,” a word that already exists and is widely used?

Today in “Tesla led the way for Ford”....

Yuss. It’s good, very good even, and the aerial photography is some kind of a technical achievement. I enjoyed it more than TG ’86. But the reviews are, like, rapturous. Like lives have been changed, like the movies have been saved. Not sure what that is all about.

I grew up in the sticks, where we called IH vehicles “Corn Binders.” So I would like to see some type of corn-binding feature. Otherwise this looks pretty ordinary, and that is a compliment. Very hard to find a truly shit car or truck these days. 

I enjoy that Barsanti articles give us so many opportunities to roll our eyes as a form of desk-bound cardio.

A video game that does not enrich FIFA is like a video game that does not enrich the Mafia. Somehow, I can live with this change.  

He regrets it BEFORE he does it, because spice gives him the power to see everything he must do, and how to do it. It does not give him the power to feel good about it. 

Was I naive for thinking that the ACLU exists for the sole purpose of defending controversial but lawful speech and protest? What is this bullshittery?