Takuro Spirit

It doesn’t need doors, it only rains on Ferenginar.

They can all get fucked too. 2020 can get fucked. These bikers can get fucked.

I’m pretty sure the current government made the virus political. Believing it exists is political. Preventing the spread is political. Wearing a face covering is political.

I’m confused at how this is political. 

Yes, a constant supply of fresh air is definitely a mitigating factor, but bars and restaurants and bathrooms will almost certainly be packed beyond capacity.

As someone who likes to buy “grandpa’s last touring bike, that headline is awesome. :)

That's a fantastic headline.

That’s not going to be a popular opinion around here even if it is a fact.

protesters brought this on themselves by attacking people in their vehicles. They made it unsafe for a driver to stop, so wtf are they trying to go for here?

So someone jumps in front of your vehicle to stop you with their bicycle and their body while someone else tries to break out your windows (which you can clearly see in the video) and you don’t think flooring it and getting out of there is a good idea? I’m sorry he hit someone, but it’s completely understandable.


Proabably something more like this, but I understand what you are trying to say:

I propose crowd-sourcing traffic violations. Here’s how: every vehicle gets a paintball gun. Drivers who identify poor driving behavior can shoot the offending driver’s vehicle with one paintball, like a downvote. Once your vehicle accumulates sufficient paintball downvotes, you lose your license. 

Doubled in what one person was willing to pay is not the same as doubled in value.

My flip phone takes better pictures.


Who’s Mike Ballaban?

David Tracy, tomorrow: “Everyone’s been bugging me to get a reliable car, so I bought a Toyota!”

“This thing is definitely not going on the highway.”

If someone would have suggested to use these wheels on a Blazer I think I would have initially shrugged them off. I have to say I’m really impressed with how they look on it.

+1 for those wheels. Wow, 5th-gen Camaro steelies on an S-10 Blazer. Who knew?