Above the lol needs to be a large sized glossy page coffee table book
A bunch of Oppos are looking at hosting the archive off Kinja somewhere. We’ll have to wrangle the archive itself into a different format (WordPress or some other non-Kinja CMS), but we want it up.
Oh boy. I’m posted a LOT of stuff to Oppo over the last 10 years or so. Once Kinja came in and offered us all blogs, I hotlinked a LOT of images to stuff I posted in here.
I blame Roy Wort.
I blame Travis
I said this exact thing before.
...that is to say, I expect you to pay me a percentage for every star your comment gets
I’ve been here since the olden days of oppo and Jalopnik, and will miss it dearly. I’ll print my gold star and membership card and display them with pride.
there are a few options though if you want to continue this in a non-gawker hosted way, join me at oppo-sitelock.com
That argument about copyright has me worried the comments are next on the chopping block.
Oppo is dead. Long live Oppo.
I saw that Hyundai ad on Hulu and my first thought was, “why can’t they just pay attention to the road?”. I’d be laughing at it, if it wasn’t so sad.
There are more unibody trucks with no break between cab and bed than their are trucks will all-amber taillights.
I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I’m a can.