Takuro Spirit


Yeah I’m with you. While I found this one interesting for the archimedes screw factor and how the oil/transmission fluid actually got from the transfer case to the speedo, the fact that someone continued to drive a car WITH OIL LEAKING DIRECTLY ONTO THE BRAKE PEDAL is so totally, utterly irresponsible.

I mean, honestly, you’ve got to making up this stuff at this point to see how gullible we are. There is no way one seemingly intelligent human being could be so $#*^% stupid.

Bets on whether the Changli falls through the rusted out bed of the J10? 

Imagine the situation, the J10 drivetrain has a catastrohpic failure, so the Changli tows it, but as it has a limited range AND the J10 engine is still chugging along, they jerry rig a couple of jumper cables to charge the 12v lead acid batteries from the chang li with the J10's running engine WHILE towing it.

I REALLY want pics of the Changi sitting in the J10's bed, that would be awesome.

You know, I had assumed a trailer, but from Torch’s post, it sounds like they are just going to put it in the truck’s bed...

I also can’t wait to see the video of you towing David’s truck with this thing after the J10 breaks down halfway home ;)

We’re hoping that pee is the only thing that comes out.

Jason, this is why Elon is freaking out

They’re the vinyl collectors of the car world. Just don’t bother trying to talk to them.

It’s a bit unfair to critique someone’s build schedule when they’re doing it for fun in their free time. Doubly so since it’s not a typical engine swap (billet four-rotor?) and with the bonus of being a custom AWD setup with giant snails bolted to it.

Just don’t use UPS to send it.

Hundreds of perfectly good RX-7s have been destroyed for an arguably inferior V8 swap (and they only sold a few thousand of those). We could do to lose a few Corvettes.

It’s wrecked, and not street legal. I don’t see why he shouldn’t swap the motor, especially since it’s not a special edition or something.

I dunno about y’all, but if I were going to go through the effort of converting a wrecked car into a mid-engined 4 rotor, I’d probably get a 3D printer and reskin it into something more interesting than simply replacing parts to make it look like a Corvette again.