Takuro Spirit

I’m going to respond to your comment, but first please allow me to spend five minutes talking about my wrench and showing you clips of my dog. Also, have you seen this software which will dramatically improve your posting abilities?

I still lament the traditional writeup — that I can print out and take with me. I learned to wrench when car forums were still huge (no Facebook groups) and still believe that a dozen annotated photos and written instructions are superior to video in most cases. Further, they’re much easier to edit or tweak on the fly

I use channels like this frequently. I can determine - That is easy vs F-this, I now know why you pay someone to do it.

A mall parking lot?

I’m speechless, but with 36,895 comments, I haven’t always been speechless.  This post is the best prize ever!  Thanks so much, Andrew!

I’m not even surprised she had the most posts. I’ve been reading and commenting here for probably the whole decade (or close to it) and have read countless comments from and “comment of the day” awards from $kaycog during that time.

You should remove the spikes from your pedals then....

“ It actually hurts to push the pedals, without the soles as cushions.”

Go inside and wait for the person in front of you in line to have a conversation with the cashier before having them find the most obscure pack of cigarettes and an assortment of lotto tickets before taking 5 minutes to find the 3 pennies they need to make exact change?

No way am I going inside a store to pay for gas. I’ll go to a different station. 

I don’t own a crossover, but it’s ride height, AWD, ease of entry, and cargo space, the same as it always has been.

Mr. 3008 over here...

This is why they say to turn off electronics before takeoff.  It can make the wheels fall off.

Too bad you left your wheel at the other airport! Gotta stop, put it back on and THEN go.

I wanna see what happened to the wheel and tire after it fell off. I’m sure it put a dent in something.

I used to drive a surplus police car that still had the push-bumper on it. Changing lanes in that thing was super easy. Just aim that bumper across the dotted line and the waters would part.

I love finding the gap, putting on my signal, having someone try to close the door, and just going over anyways in my beat-to shit work truck. Hey buddy, it wasn’t a request, it was a warning.

Before anyone asks about BMWs being waived from this, no, they aren’t. Those turn signals just flash in a color that the Poors can’t perceive, which is allowable under the Geneva Conventions, look it up.

.26 is pretty hammered. Wonder if he is a Multiple time Professional?