Takuro Spirit

Spots on the sidewalk. The horror. 

I get hating these scooters, and I even get throwing them into ditches etc as a form of protest, but what kind of sick fuck cuts the brake lines?

“Side note: Yes, people are constantly messing with the brakes of these scooters. I regularly find cut cables, and on a few occasions, have started riding only to find out while in motion that the cables have been cut or removed entirely.”

I’m no fan of these scooter services nor many of the operators who are

How come the horse only has three legs?

Listen, I don’t know who in the hell you think you are coming around here with your ‘facts’ and ‘knowledge’; but I’m going  to have to ask you to leave. Don’t make me call security.

Reminds me of my favorite car show shirt:

As funny as the shirt is...

Bye bye Miss American Pie drove my Ford to the Fjord but the Fjord was dry.


“mechanical failure” on the Mustang sent it and its driver, Ryan Lawson, straight toward the underside of the trailer

Love situations like this.

1:20, and a Mustang appears...

Interesting tire choice. Would think they would have gone with a sportier profile given the add-ons.

That’s where you are wrong.

Pedant here, Torch. Technically Indian RHD cars would be Asian...

Maybe he’s a cat burglar. I got nothing.

Aw come on, just let it slide

Wow, we managed to find someone who’s a worse neighbor than David when it comes to driving around their yard.

It is all fun and games until he clips the house or the fence.